First 8th grade post

Over the summer I went to Maryland, Detroit, and stayed on lake Michigan for a week. In Maryland we visited some friends and stayed at their house. We also went to Hershey park and toured the Hershey Factory on this creepy cart with singing cows. We drove to Detroit to take our plain to Maryland. We didn’t really do anything in Detroit. We stayed on lake Michigan at my grandpa and grandmas house because they went to Seattle to visit my uncle. We went to the beach every day and sometimes walked to tunnel park. The waves were really big so it was fun to use our skipper ball. There was also a tornado warning and my brother is very, very scarred of tornados, I was on my phone and I said there is never going to be a tornado and right as I said that my phone started ringing and saying tornado warning, tornado warning. Over all my summer was really fun and probably my best summer yet!

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