
Evan Karsten

Mrs. Roskamp

La, 8B

17 February 2017

The Gem Thief

“Hmm, how can I stage this, I need to take the blame away from me.” “Maybe I can try and frame the detective.” Said Frank.

“Hey, Frank, you’re talking to yourself again!” Yelled the man in the front.

“I’m sorry, I just get really nervous before things like this.”

“Ring Ring Ring,” Screamed the alarm as the cops came sprinting into the museum! “Which way did he run?!” Yelled the cop.

“I don’t know, he hit me with something and then everything went black.” replied the curator.

“Well I guess we need to call him.” “Come on! I want to solve theses things myself but he’s the detective, I am good at other things .” Said the cop in a sneaky voice. The cop always seem’s to talk to himself and say his thoughts outloud. Judging by what he says he either doesn’t like the detective or he wants to be a detective.

They called in the detective and he got to work. “What did the man look like?” He asked the Curator.

“Thats strange, he kind of looked like the cop?” Replied the curiator.

The cop quickly says “Well it couldn’t have been me because I just got here, but you on the other hand, you have been her the whole time, I’m going to take a look around.”


“I think I will After looking around too.” Says the cop.

He found a room with some cameras in it and wondered why the curator didn’t tell him about it. He watched some footage and it showed a tall man in a suite. The man was saying something but they couldn’t quite figure out what.

“Thats strange, I didn’t know this was here?”

“Woah! Don’t do that, you scared me.” The detective said to the curator

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Asked the detective.

“I already told you, I didn’t know that this was here.” The curator replied.

“That’s very strange, very strange.” Said the detective

“Yes, it is, it’s also strange how you walked right to it and knew right where it was. Also, how you look the exact same as the guy who robbed the jewel.” Mumbled the curator.

“What was th…

“Nothing!” Exclaimed the curator.

The detective was trying to piece the parts together when he got a phone call from someone.

“Umm, I need to go, my dad needs my help with his new car.” Said the detective.

‘What with the garage?’ Wondered the curator. But by the time he asked the detective was already gone. The curator looked around and found the cop. He was doing something with a suite.

“Hmm, that looks like the coat the man was wearing at the crime scene, I guess I better check it out.” He went over and found the cop driving away in a dirty van, not a cop car. He just managed to get the license plate off the van.

“Did you get the jem.”

“Of course, it was hard work though.”

“I also need the van back, and it better be clean.”

“It is, I didn’t get it dirty. I parked it outside.”

The Curator got to work, he was thinking that it was the cop because he had all of the things that the robber did. He was tall, he had a suit, he was acting very suspicious, and he was trying to get away. But then again the detective was also trying to get away and knew all of the secret places in the museum, some of them the curator didn’t even know of. He decided to call in a friend named Franklyn. He was the head of the museum and was a great detective. When they got there, the cop was first, and the detective and Franklyn came in at the same time.

The curator left to go and try to track down the van using the license plate he had. It lead to an old run down apartment, he went inside to look around. When he got inside it was there, the jem! “Oh my goodness! I need to get back to the museum and tell Franklyn!” Exclaimed the curator.

The Curator came sprinting into the room and yelled “I KNOW WHO THE CRIMINAL IS I HAVE THE STOLEN GEM! IT’S THE COP!”

“Woah, slow down, we don’t know that for sure.” Said Franklyn.

“Well, I do, here’s why, I was watching a video of the crime scene, and saw a tall man wearing a suit.”

“So you’re saying it me just because i’m tall, the detective is tall.” butted in the cop nervously.”

“Well, that’s not all. He was also was wearing a suit, and I was watching him, and he was messing with a suit. So I followed him outside and he hopped into a van, it was really dirty though. And I got the license plate on the van and tracked it down. It lead to an old, un down apartment and I went in and sitting on the bed was the Gem!”

“Great job! ‘We caught the criminal,’ ‘roger that Frank.’ That you so much for your help, umm, what is your name?” Asked Franklyn.

“Its Nate.”

“Well thanks Nate. Umm, was it the detective?”

“I don’t know? But I guess his work is done, we caught the bad guy.”

“Yeah, sure.” Mumbled Franklyn as he walked out of the room.

Later, Nate was walking and tripped, the gem flew out of his hands and cracked, revealing a hollow inside. “THIS IS A FAKE, IT WAS ALL A SETUP!” Yelled Nate.

He immediately called the detective, the detective came and Nate began to ask questions. But then Nate got another phone call and Nate saw that it was Franklyn. “I’m sorry, but I have to go, it’s my wife, she needs my help with the garage, but i’ll come back once i’m done.”

“Ok, but hurry.”

Nate then [pretended to go back to work but as soon as the detective went outside Nate ran and hopped in his car and followed the detective all the was to the same run down apartment building where he found the fake gem. He causley went inside and there was something there, a line or a straight crack in the wall. He went to it and it opened! “Hmm, a secret passage, I wonder where this leads?!” Said Nate.

He got to the end of the hallway peered in the room, and there was the detective holding the gem! “What!” Exclaimed Nate, he immediately covered his mouth and moved away from the door. He looked back in the room and there was a man on the screen, they were talking about selling it to him. “How did you get the gem?” Asked the man. “It’s easy, Franklyn over here convinced the cop to steal it.”

“And what is the cop’s name?”

“Frank. Anyways we have had the base here and arranged to meet him here, but he had no idea about the secret room. We put on masks so he wouldn’t know it was us and swapped out the gem. But it was by pure luck that Nate had followed him and busted him. Now Nate it is jail and no one has any idea that me and Franklyn really are the true thieves.”

“Great work, now I will send someone with the money to buy the gem, have a good day.”

Little did they know was that Nate was there and had taken a video of it all.