Toothpick Bridge



Group Members: Jake and Mason

Held 18/30 pounds. 🙁

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Volcano Project

We started with play dough, but unfortunately, it did NOT work. 🙁 It was all blobby… too much oil? So, we tried with modeling clay surrounding the bad play dough. That was a fail too. So, we decided to make it out of display board, and paper. It worked quite well, was a much lighter material, and looked better. We made the labels and the page on the real volcano at school. The beaker was lent to us by Mr. Devries from the teachers lounge. It was perfect, because it came with the magma chamber, the pipe, and a side vent. 🙂

Group Members: Jake Leenstra, Mason Kuiper


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I have a very different skill set than most of the people in the 8th grade. No sports. I run, but nothing else. If you look at where I live, you would be able to tell what I’m like. I love to keep things organized. I love to design, see things coming together, being built. I don’t know how God will use me, but I know that He will. I can play the piano, and draw. Don’t know if, when, or how those could come in, but they might, in a big way, or a small way. All I know is, is that I have these talents, will continue to develop them, and use them to His glory. Through experiences, God has molded me, and will continue to. We have a little 6 year old girl in our home right now. Foster care. But it might not always be just Foster Care. She came up from Central America. She’s been through a few families, no ones been able to keep her so far. Having a 7 year old is hard, especially for the kids already in the family! Mom and Dad are busy now, and we cannot do or say the things we used to. We cannot take a long bike ride because… it doesn’t work. It’s expecting too much, and I am, unfortunately, fairly impatient. I’ll need to develop that one too. 🙂 I don’t know if I’m going to adopt or something later, or anything. But somethings going to come of all the experiences, all the little moments. Otherwise… why would I be there to witness them?

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Kazakhstan Persecution Project

News Stories

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Christian Persecution

We’ve been working on Persecution Projects in the 8th Grade for the past few weeks. The country assigned to us was Kazakhstan. Life as a Christian in Kazakhstan is not as hard as it may be in other countries, in / around the 40’s on the World Watch List. There are however many problems and small consequences placed on those who practice a religion they did not pay to register.

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TNTBJ – Spaghetti & Marshmallow Tower

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 1.01.52 PMHere’s a picture of our spaghetti and marshmallow tower. My partner was Jake. It all went relatively well. We spent our money very well, and construction was uneventful. What didn’t go well, was the egg-putting-in. We made the compartment a little small for the egg, and one wall cracked. It was okay, though. My favorite part of this project was surviving 21 seconds, and my favorite partner, Jake. (Guess who told me to put that part in???) 🙂 My least favorite part was not having more time. It turned out alright, but it would’ve been nice to have more time.


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       The first thing that was strange about the newly constructed hotel in Belfast was

its lack of stairs. The six-story building stood near the Passagassawakeag Estuary,

closely surrounded by smaller buildings. Across the street was a library, and next to it

was a small restaurant. Both had stairs. The hotel did not.

§ § §

The phone rang. It was 4:47 PM. The desk clerk picked up the receiver.

“Hotel Stravatta, front desk.. anything I can do for you today?”

His face went pale.

“Thank you.”

He set down the receiver and disappeared down the hall.

§ § §

       A professionally dressed woman entered the lobby. It was 5:05 PM. She walked

towards the desk. The desk clerk handed her a small hotel key. She tucked it inside her

coat, crossed the lobby, and stepped inside the elevator. The bell above the nickel

doors dinged its way up to floor 6.

§ § §

       Two men dressed in black suits drove up in a shiny black car. It was a quarter past

five. The driver stepped out, the second man circling around the vehicle to join him at

the door. The first dropped the keys into the valet’s open hand. The valet signaled,

glancing around nervously. A porter quickly appeared, speedily unloading and placing

the luggage on a cart.

“Floor 6?” asked the porter.

The first man nodded. He disappeared through the doors. The luggage was waiting at

their room when they arrived.

§ § §

       They were sitting on what they had found. Why wouldn’t they say anything? He

wasn’t going to wait any longer. She had cancer. He was impatient, and he knew. He

knew they had found something. The conference, the case… why wouldn’t they sell?

§ § §

       It was 5:20 PM. The janitor rolled the cleaning cart into the elevator on the sixth

floor. She pressed the button for the fifth floor. She felt the tile move beneath her feet.

The doors opened. She walked out, pulling her cart behind her, and then stopped.

What was strange about this? Then she realized. She was still on the sixth floor! She

rolled into the elevator once more, passing the situation off as a simple mistake on the

part of the elevator. But why had the elevator bell chimed if it had not passed a floor?

§ § §

       The porter pressed the up arrow to the left of the elevator doors. It was the only

direction you could go at the Stravatta Hotel from the Lobby. Up. The doors opened,

and he pulled the luggage into the elevator, pressing the button for the sixth floor. He

rode silently up. The doors opened, and he stepped out, crossed the hall, and stopped

in front of room 63. He pulled out the key given him by the desk clerk, and inserted it,

quickly pulling it out and turning the knob. He walked inside and deposited the cases

in the closet. The briefcase felt empty, save a few light papers. The man had held it as

if it was very important. The papers slid around in the case. He looked out the

window. Funny. The view seemed to have changed.

§ § §

       The desk clerk had taken note of the hotel’s guests. He always had. He looked once

again through the files on the computer. The reservations had been made a month

before by a man calling on behalf of the American Cancer Cure Foundation, booking a

conference. Those who had arrived had matched the descriptions he had been given.

§ § §

       It was 5:30. The desk clerk sat silently, waiting at the desk. In front of him, resting

on his desk, sat a text book. A medical text book. Hidden between its pages was a

test… a failed test. Next to the test lay a picture. A picture of a young girl.

§ § §

       The three guests went about unpacking and settling in in their separate rooms.

They would not be staying terribly long, maybe a couple of days. They took brief naps.

They watched TV. It had been a long flight. They needed to rest.

§ § §

       It was 7:00. The guests convened in the lobby. The desk clerk spoke to them

briefly, telling them the location of the conference room.

“Down the hall to the right of the lobby from the door. First right.”

The small group followed his directions, taking nothing but themselves to the room.

§ § §

       The meeting lasted longer than expected. The conversation involved numbers,

studies, results, options, and disease. Cancer was the word the conversation revolved

around. It was the reason they were holding the conference. The reason they were

discussing options, numbers, studies, and results. They were also discussing a

breakthrough. So was the desk clerk, working with numbers of his own.

§ § §

       The meeting was over. The guests were tired. It was time to be finished with the

discussions for the night. They filed out of the room, walking down the hall towards

the lobby, towards the elevator. The woman pressed the arrow. Nothing happened.

She pressed it again. Nothing could be heard, not even the humming of the cables as

the car descended on its tracks. A third time. Finally. The familiar sound. The doors

opened, and the three weary guests stepped inside. The doors shut.

§ § §

       The first man stood in front of his room door, fumbling with his keycard. He

finally inserted it correctly, quickly turning the knob and entering. He looked around.

Everything was gone. Including the briefcase. The breakthrough briefcase.

§ § §

       The case (situation) was dropped. No fitting conclusion could be drawn. How

could it have happened? All the staff had been gone… it was after hours. The desk

clerk had been at his post behind the desk, and the elevator was being used by the

guests. There were no stairs for a third person to have used.

§ § §

Who stole the breakthrough papers, and how?

§ § §

       The desk clerk. The picture of the young girl was a picture of his daughter, who

had cancer. He, of course, did not want her to die. His job at the hotel supported his

family, but his attempts to find a cure had failed. When the conference came up, he

saw an opportunity, one he could accomplish right from his post at the hotel. The

company was sitting on a breakthrough cure, and wouldn’t sell their newfound

medication. He was angry. “Numbers of his own”, had to do with floors five and six.

He booked all floors except for the fifth. While the group was in their conference on

the first floor, he switched all the room numbers on the fifth floor to match the

numbers on the sixth floor, making the identical floors interchangeable. He then

jammed the doors on the sixth floor, slowing down the elevator and delaying it’s

reaction when the woman pushed the arrow, ready to get back to her room. They

arrived at the fifth floor, thinking they were at their rooms, while all they’re things,

including the cure, were safely kept one floor above, waiting patiently for the desk

clerk to fetch them. Best plan ever. 

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Why is it Important that we Study Christian Persecution?

I think it’s important that we study the persecution of Christians around the world to increase our awareness. Many of the things I’ve been reading are news to me… I would never of known much of this, I just don’t really think about it. It’s amazing how quickly and easily things outside our everyday lives slip out of our radars. I also think it’s important that we learn about these things so that we can support those who are being persecuted, and oppressed. We can support these people through prayer, and donations. Most of the residents of Zeeland are quite wealthy… but then, I’ve been thinking about this: Is that money meant to be spent on us? It is given to us, but maybe not necessarily for us.

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Ideal Church vs. Early Church

In class, Mrs. Williams asked us what we would have in our ideal church. With an unlimited budget. We came up with a lot of ideas… Here are a couple:

  • Free Starbucks.
  • Breakfast Bar.
  • Frozen Yogurt.
  • Different Music Groups / Band every Week.
  • Massage Chairs.
  • Rent-a-Puppy.

We then read a Bible passage about the Early Church:

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

*     *     *

Now, we tend to think of the Church, as a building. As a music group. As a Youth Group. But it’s so much more than that, and you can see it in the Early Church. When it was started, it was simply a group of people that came together to support each other, because they had God’s love in them, they loved Him, and were eager to learn more about Him. That is what should be at the heart of our Churches today.

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Pythagorean Theorem Project

In Math, we took a week long break from our normal lessons to do a project on the Pythagorean Theorem. Our job was to think up a word problem, and illustrate the problem and solution in a 3D model. Our word problems was:

Ethan is building a house. He is almost finished, and now needs to shingle the roof. From the top of the truss to the bottom middle section of the truss is 10 ft. From the bottom middle section of the truss to the left side of the house is 6 ft. The side length of the house is 17 ft.

Here’s our solution, and work:

a2 + b2 = c2

62 + 102 = c2

36 + 100 = 136

   √136 = 11.66

We ended with an answer of 11.66 feet, (of shingles.)

We had a lot of fun making the 3D model of the house… here’s a picture:

Photo on 1-8-16 at 9.07 AMDisplaying Photo on 1-8-16 at 9.07 AM.jpg

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Thoughts about Jesus’ Crucifixion

Jesus said many things before He died, but the last 7 things He told us, were these:

– Have compassion, care for the needs of people in this life.
– Persevere to the completion of the goal set before us.
– Desire that forgiveness be granted.
– Give hope to the hopeless.
– Feel with others the feelings of being human.
– Obey the will of the Father.
– Trust in God.

All these things are hard for us to do, really impossible for us to do if we are not filled with Him. We could never be unhappy serving Him, because if you’ve gotten that far, He is in you, part of you, and will give you that joy!

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God Sightings

I saw God this weekend in a college student we had over for dinner on Sunday, from Hope, that goes to  Manna (Our Church). She’s a senior, and had just received her teaching test score a couple days before. She did not pass, and can never be a teacher. But, that’s okay! She trusts that God has something for her, and knows that He will use her.

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Thematic Essay: One Came Home

One Came Home, by Amy Timberlake, takes place in Placid, Wisconsin, and is the story of a girl named Georgie, a stubbornly persistent 13 year old who refuses to believe that the body brought home is her sisters. Agatha had suddenly disappeared from the house, and she was found on the road leading away from Placid. She had the right hair, and was wearing the dress her mother had made her. But, with stubborn persistence, an uncompromising self-will, and a firm perseverance, she found the truth.

The theme throughout the book really becomes obvious on the first page. It starts like this:

“So it comes to this, I remember thinking on Wednesday, June 7, 1871. The dates stick in my head because it was the day of my sister’s first funeral, and I knew it wasn’t her last- which is why I left.”

From the very first page of the book, it’s obvious what Georgie thinks. She had already and completely convinced herself that the body that lay in the coffin was not her sisters. It couldn’t be. She did not feel sad, or upset, because she did not believe that it was her sister they were burying. On the way home, she jumps off the wagon, and walks home. Grandfather Bolte says they are blessed to even have a body. Ma has given up, but she will not believe it.

The next event that highlights the theme comes up a little before half the book is finished. Georgie had taken off with Billy McCabe, an older boy that had known Agatha. He doesn’t believe Agatha is still alive, but he won’t let Georgie leave by herself. The deal with the McCabe boy was a horse in exchange for five dollars, but instead, she gets a stubborn mule, and an unwanted protector. But, even though she wants his horse and not him, she keeps going, knowing all the while that he doesn’t believe her, thinks she’s just a silly little girl, someone doesn’t know what she’s doing. She still doesn’t care.

The third and final event showing the theme, is her life after returning from her journey. She hasn’t found Agatha. It has to be her, and Georgie is completely discouraged. Grandfather Bolte died during her journey as well. Even so, she makes up stories in her head, trying to deny the death of her sister. But, on July 24, 1871, a letter came:

Dearest Ones,

Let me tell you that I am fine, since I’m sure that you are worried…

This book was great. I wasn’t sure how the author was going to end the story, because I thought that if she did let Agatha live, it would seem a little happy-endingish. But it didn’t. The author wrapped it up so well, and still Agatha had no idea of the worry she had caused in Placid. Talk about snail mail. A little late! Towards the end, a little before Agatha’s letter comes, it seems completely hopeless! She comes home to a place without her sister, or grandfather. But with a stubborn persistence, an uncompromising self-will, and a firm perseverance, she found the truth.

Agatha, was alive.

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God Sightings

Last week, we finished the treehouse we’d been planning for a while. Most of the platform was up, we just finished putting up floorboards. During this past weekend, I went up there a couple of times. I read, talked with the brother and sister and was just quiet sometimes. It was so nice to be in a place surrounded by trees and tall grass, where there was nobody. I saw God through the quiet and beauty of the back.

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New Addition

Last year, by the window in Mr. Minkus’ room, I watched the new addition go up. I was excited. I looked at the pictures during the summer, and now we’re here! I’m very glad that we didn’t miss it, (like the freshmen, 8th graders last year) and think that it will actually be a lot of fun to learn in here. The common areas are awesome too, but I wish we had a little more space. We’re not supposed to go in the other ones, since those are for the 5th, 6th, and 7th graders. It’s weird being an eighth grader! It doesn’t feel any different, but even when I was in 6th grade, the 8th graders seemed a lot older. I guess that’s what the current 6th graders think about us, now…

The furniture is comfortable. The classrooms are big. The ceilings are high.

I approve. 🙂

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Nuestro Video de Conservación:


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Photo on 6-3-15 at 9.42 AM

Todos vienen de diferentes situaciones, y de diferentes lugares en el mundo. Nuestro posición afecta todo lo que hacemos y creemos. Todos queremos libertad y paz en el país en que vivimos. Todos queremos que nuestras familias sean seguras. Todos queremos un lugar en el mundo donde no necesitamos preocuparnos. Pero… ¿como lo logramos? Aunque todos tenemos diferentes colores de piel, diferentes familias, y diferentes países, todos somos unidos a través de ese deseo común. Sentirnos seguros. Podemos tener ese seguridad en Dios.

Dios es nuestro Padre. Nuestro cuidador, y líder. Siempre lo supe, pero durante el día de inmigración, escuchando las historias de esas personas e inmigrantes era muy impactante, y me daba nueva perspectiva en mi vida cotidiana, y en la manera en que Dios me ayuda. Durante todo ese tiempo inseguro y extraña a todos esos inmigrantes, Él estaba preparando lugares en que ellos podrían trabajar. Donde podían vivir. Donde podrían hacer amigos. Todo esta planeado, y tenemos Él para decirnos lo que viene proximo. Cualquier cosa que pasa, Él esta allí con nosotros. No solo nos acompaña, pero sabe lo que pasará, y nos asegura que siempre esta justo allí con nosotros. Siempre esta allí con sus hijos, caminando con nosotros cuando siente demasiado difícil para hacerlo nosotros solos.

Necesitamos escuchar a sus consejos. Que estamos siendo llamados a hacer para dar el bienvenido a esa persona. Él nos esta hablando todo el tiempo, solo necesitamos eliminar las distracciones. Todos tenemos talentos, y Dios los usará para ayudarles a los que necesitan.

El día de Inmigración fue interesante, pero a veces muy triste. Tantas personas de diferentes países tuvieron que dejarles a sus amigos, familia y hogares para venir aquí. Un país en que todo es diferente. La idioma, las personas, las tradiciones. Además, lo diseñado para ayudar a las personas puede haberles expulsado. El gobierno no siempre funciona para mejorar las vidas de sus ciudadanos. Habían malas partes, pero también habían partes buenas. Cuando Matilde (alguien que hablo en el día de inmigración) vino a los Estados Unidos de Cuba, no estaba muy segura que encontraría un trabajo que podría acomodar lo que ella podía hacer. Pero, Dios tuvo un plan por esos talentos. No estoy seguro como vino a saber de Zeeland Christian, pero sé que ni estaba en Michigan cuando se dio cuenta. Cuando le contaron acerca de Zeeland Christian y su programa de inmersión, y aún más que querían nativo hablantes, ella vino lo más rápida que pudo. Porque escucho, tiene un trabajo que cabe exactamente lo que ella necesita. Dios solo ha fortalecido su relación con Matilde por todo eso.

Personas migran por muchas diferentes razones… gobierno corrupto, problemas medioambientales, o trabajos que pagan menos que lo necesitado para soportar una persona, mucho menos una familia. Personas inmigran, por las factores de atracción de un país. Países fuertes tienen un gobierno estable, menos problemas medioambientales, trabajos buenos que pagan suficiente, seguridad normal en más areas, y ningún guerra. Puede ser que inmigres a los Estados Unidos para conseguir una educación mejor que la que podrías obtener en otro lugar. La familia también es otra parte grande de la atracción. Amigos y familia, o, solo una cualidad de vida mejor en general puede jalar alguien a un país desconocida.

Trataré de modelar personas como Matilde. Esta feliz aúnque ha necesitado hacer lo que ha hecho, ha escuchado a Dios, aún cuando su plan sonaba mucho mejor que la de Él, y ahora, nos cuenta a nosotros su historia, ayudándonos a conocer la realidad de muchos inmigrantes.

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La Union Africana

Durante las ultimas semanas, alrededor de 40,000 personas han huido de sus casas y hogares. Cuando Pierre Nkurunziza, presidente de Burundi por 2 términos, anunció que trataría de mantenerse como presidente por otros 5 años, fue expulsado de su sitio por el general Godefroid Niyombare. Fue transportado a Tanzania donde ganó equilibrio una vez más, y ahora ha regresado y tomado su lugar. El general y los otros líderes golpistas han sido despedidos, y arrestados. Como antes era parte de Ruanda, la situación en Burundi es muy similar a la suya. En 1972, los Hutus llevaron a cabo dos matanzas atra vez del ejercito, en este tiempo dominado por los Tutsis. Mucha fricción todavía existe entre los dos grupos, y Pierre Nkurunziza es gran parte de la complicación.

Mi país de la Union Africana es Costa de Marfil. La tema que estábamos hablando sobre con los otros países de la Union, fue Burundi y sus problemas gubernamentales. Como no tienen un líder definido al momento, la Union decidió que era tiempo para hacer algo si no lo iba a hacer Burundi. Al principio de nuestra reunión, hablábamos de la problema en Burundi, y como afectaba no solo los en acción y los habitantes de Burundi, pero los países alrededores. Seguimos a formar resoluciones que compartimos con el resto de los países. Muchas tenían que ver con la forma en que hacer paz entre los dos grupos étnicos principales en Burundi, los Hutu y Tutsi. La situación allá es muy similar a la de Ruanda, algunos años atrás. Siempre han tenido problemas los unos con los otros, y todavía hay mucha tension entre los dos. Una resolución propongaba un tercer grupo para resolver las problemas, y aseguraba la protección de las personas no involucradas en los eventos recién pasados.

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La Flor de Madagascar

Mi Presentación:

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Smiling, beaming, gladdened, pleased.

Always happy, never peeved.

Screen Shot 2015-04-14 at 6.38.22 AM

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