Paragraphs about an Electric Circuit

Electric circuit with a switch:

  • metal to touch metal make a closed circuit
  • A switch opens and  closes to control the electricity
  • A switch opens and closes a circuit.
  • When a switch is open no electricity is able to flow.
  • When a switch is closed electricity is able to flow.
  • A light bulb has two spots that needs to be touched in a circuit in order to light the bulb.
  • I built the switch using wire card board and tin foil.

Electric Circuits:

What did you learn from the experiment?

I learned that  you need two wires, a light bulb, and a battery.    I learned that electricity travels in a circle or a circuit. The battery is the source of energy which is electricity. The wires are the paths which goes from the battery to the bulb. The electricity travels through the bulb and back to the wire then to the battery. The battery has positive and negative end.  See my video for a visual.

How does what you learned apply to a pinball machine?

My pinball machine will have an electric circuit which will make a light go on. The steel will move and will land in a spot where it complete a circuit. The steel ball is a good conductor of electricity.

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