Jan 25

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Dec 05

Holy Spirit Project

By Grant Gebben

Mark 1:10; Holy Spirit comes in the form of a dove to Jesus.

Acts 2:1-2; Holy Spirit came to pentecost in the form of a violent wind and filled the room where they were all at.

Matthew 3:11; You are baptized in water, but also in the Holy Spirit.

John 14:16-18; Jesus has asked for the father to send a counselor to you- the Spirit of truth. The world can’t and won’t accept him because it doesn’t see or know him. But we know him because he lives in us.

Romans 8:27; The one who searches our hearts nows the Spirit because the Spirit intervenes for the saints in order with God’s will.

John 14:26; But the counselor, the Holy Spirit, who is sent in the name of the Father, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.

John 16:13; But when the spirit of the truth comes he will lead you to truth not by speaking all alone, but speaking in what he hears and will tell us what is yet to come.

Romans 8:26; The spirit helps us in our weakness. We don’t know what we are supposed to pray for, but the Spirit intervenes for us with groans that words can not describe.

Romans 8:16; The spirit states himself that we are God’s children.

Exodus 13:21; The Lord lead the Israelites with a pillar of clouds by day and a pillar of fire by night so they could always be traveling day or night.


The Holy Spirit is the third part of God. It is the part of God that helps us here on Earth and in all we do. He is always with us and is the truth, the one who guides us and the one who will always be with us because Christ left him to guide us instead of leaving us as orphans after he left. He is also THE truth that knows no wrong. It is also the part of God that stays with us and helps us decide or make the right decision.

The Holy Spirit works in my life many ways. He helps me do what is right and helps me make the correct choices in life. He shows me the difference between the Lord’s ways and the devils. He speaks the truth and only the truth. The Holy Spirit is the part of God that is always with us and in us. It never will leave us because Jesus left us with it so we would never be left without a part of God.

The creative visual I created is an example of the Holy Spirit in many ways. The fist way it shows the Holy Spirit is the dove. A dove is an example of the Holy Spirit because a dove is white like the Trinity and the Holy Spirit are with sin. Another reason a dove represents the Holy Spirit is because the Holy Spirit came down to Jesus in the form of a dove when he was brought back to Heaven. Another visual is the flames behind the dove. These flames represent when the Holy Spirit came to Pentecost as a violent wind and tongues of fire. The tongues of fire especially show the Holy Spirit because that is how the believers got the knowledge from the Lord.

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Oct 31

Day of the dead is a holiday that is set aside to celebrate the dead and remember them. On this holiday they paint there faces to look like a skeleton. Real skeletons were painted in colorful ways and patterns. They would bake cookies and bring the dead new clothes.

I thought this entire holiday was a bit uneasy on the stomach.

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