carona-cation 3

Read one of the Psalms that we looked at this week. Psalm 34, 46 or 61. Read the whole Psalm (not just one verse from the picture book page). Reflect on that Psalm by using any of these questions or by sharing your own thoughts.  

What verse(s) stood out to you? Why?

when it says take shelter in his wings and we need to do that b/c of our situation.

What image do you see when you think of that verse? 

Us under a big eagle wing.

What “artistic position” would you draw for this Psalm? 

us praying.

What could you connect from your life with that Psalm (could be before covid19 or after it)? What do you notice about God in this Psalm?

that we need to take shelter in Gods wings.

  1. Describe a time or times when you were kind since we shifted to online learning. Describe a time when someone has been kind to you since we shifted to online learning.
  2.    when our neighbours got the coronavirus we delivered food and got their mail.
  3.  when someone came up with a fundraiser for our neighbourhood and for the less money people in our community.



  1. Describe the activities that you are doing to help pass the time once your homework is finished. Possible examples-bike riding, painting, board games, puzzles, texting friends…

I play outside a lot. also, I listen to music a lot. Also, I text my friends a lot. Also, I practice baseball a lot. Also, I practise basketball a lot.



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