Tag Archives: social studies

Why is the government needed?

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if there were no rules?

Well my group and I came up with a few ideas: People would be stealing, people would be eating spoiled food and there would be no joy in the world.

In 1787, the founding fathers of the United States also realized that people also need government. So they decided  to write there reasons down on paper. They came up with five reasons. Hear are there five reasons: 1. Establish justice, means that we should have reasonable fairness, compromise agreements. 2. Insure domestic tranquility, means that we should have a calm and peaceful house and country. 3. Provide for the common defense means that we should prepare people to defend and protect our country. 4. Promote general welfare means that we should all be happy and healthy. 5. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity means that we should be passing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and the future.

In conclusion I think government is needed because this world is a much better place with rules and the government makes all the rules.