Descriptive paragraph

Our assignment was to tell and describe about a person, place, or thing, and paint a a picture in their mind. How did I do?


The wolf walked easily through the forest weaving between the trees. The cold night had left a slight frost. Her steps were soft and quiet, masked by the pine needles underfoot. The early morning sun felt warm on her back, which shone silver. She trotted up a steep hill observing her surroundings. The smell of pine hung heavy in the air but there was a significant difference to it, she pricked her ears and briskly trotted down the hill, sensing danger she started into a a jog. After a while she stopped to look about. There was a slight wind now rustling her fur. There was a hiss, a thud, and the tree above her shook, an arrow stuck in the sapling. She bolted off with her ears low against her skull, kicking up pine needles as she ran.


2 Comments so far

  1.   bwalters19 on October 24th, 2012          Reply

    That’s ssssooooooooo descriptive!!!!!!!!

    •   hdeboer19 on October 24th, 2012          Reply

      Why thank you, by the way how do you comment on peoples posts?

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