2-14 Weekly Update

We made valentine bags with Mrs. Keyser.
yesterday the Living Hope singers  came to ZCS                                                                                              Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

It has been a good, albeit short week here at ZCS! Today, is flying by as the kids spent some time this morning putting their bags together for their card exchange. Mrs. Keyser came in and helped with the decorating, and many of the bags look really sharp! We didn’t get as far academically this week due to the short week and the snow day. We are still moving through the material that I highlighted last week. The “Winter Olympics” are commencing this week, with the first event being the sled races. If you son or daughter participated, I’m sure you’ll hear about it.

I sent an earlier email asking for volunteers to drive to the field trip this next Tuesday. I have one volunteer so far to drive to, and to hear the Grand Rapids Symphony, and am looking for three or four others that are willing to drive. It will be at Central Wesleyan in Holland, and we will be gone from about 9-11. Please let me know with an email(pkeyser@zcs.org) if you can drive. I will take the first three or four people that volunteer.  I hope you all have something fun planned this long weekend with the kids. I know I am doing some things with both of ours! Also, I am taking my Mom to the airport Saturday as she and my sister and her husband are going to Australia for three weeks. Should be an incredible experience for them all

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