While The World Watched Reflection

The Children’s March 

 James Bevel had the idea of having children involved on this “D-day” there were roughly 1000 children arrested for walking in the street protesting for freedom. They came out in waves of fifty and they kept on coming and they kept on getting arrested. They were taken in paddy wagons until there were too many then they started taking them on school buses. They put all of the children in jail cells. The next day nicknames “double D-day” where twice as many children came. Bull Conner sent out the fire department and the police to use violence to get the children to stop marching. That violence was the fire department spraying the hoses at the kids, dogs biting them, and police beating them. All the kids kept on getting arrested and when all the jails were full they brought them into hog pens. But during this whole time, they just kept singing and kept all of their spirits high. This connects with Romans 12:9-21 “do not repay evil with evil.” because then the police caused violence and the children did not fight back.

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