Market Day Prediction

1. What are you most excited about for Market Day?

I love to meet new people and see how excited they are to buy our products.


2. What are the strengths of your group, and how will it help today?

Aidan is very good at math. Hannah has a very good Imagination, and Isaiah is a very good manager.

3. What are you most nervous about. Why are you nervous about it?

I am nervous because we have to make our slushies when people order.


4. Do you think you will sell all of your product? Why or Why not?

Maybe. I can’t predict the future, but I hope we will.


5. What will you do if your group is not selling anything?

We will have a little meeting in the prayer room to discuss some minor changes.


6. How will you remain positive if things are not going as planned?

We will be happy and keep a smile on our face.


7. What will you do if you group sells everything right away?

We will stay humble and encourage other groups, not bring them down.


8. What is your overall prediction of the day?

I think we will have fun and praise God doing this project.

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