My Legacy

I would like to leave behind the legacy that no one bullies one another. Even at ZCS you see people being teased and left out and thats not right. I want to make it so that no one is being bullied or teased and that no one is being looked down on that everyone has friends. So that even if someone is different than others, they are treated the same way. Right now its like if someone speaks slightly different, they might get left out or teased. One way we can change this is if someone is being left out, then we can include them so that they have friends because otherwise they have no friends and that is just not right. I hope that the next time I see something like that happen, I will stand up to the bully and show him/her that that’s not right.



Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy

I see evidence of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy all over. At school you see everyone playing with everyone not separately. You go shopping and you see people drinking from the same drinking fountains. His work has had an affect on everyone. You don’t see separate schools for people of different races. There’s lots of ways that Martin Luther King Jr. has changed America.