Example Of Temptations in Everyday life

What is a way that we are tempted?


One way that we can get tempted, is to be tempted to gossip or talk about other people behind their back. Sure you can talk about other people nicely behind their back and thats a good thing, but if you are saying bad things about them, its sining. Where does the temptation part come in? Say their are some other people gossiping about another person(and not in the nice way), thats where you may be tempted to join them.

How can we avoid this temptation?

There are probably  about three ways we can avoid this temptation:

  1.  It may seem ineffective but you can simply turn the other cheek and chose not to go along with their awful,mean, and heinous  gossiping. And if you do this they may see you walk away, think twice about what they are doing, and stop gossiping.They may chose not to gossip next time also.
  2. You can not gossip (and make them not gossip) if you do it sort of sneakily. Walk up to them “oblivious” to what they are doing and simply change the subject. You could make it so that instead of talking about the new girl, you are talking about your new pants! Great.
  3. This one is kind of tough: You walk up to those who are gossiping and say something like “Hey guys, we should not be talking about _______. It’s not a nice thing to do”. and whether they listen to you or not, you could be making a big difference in side of them.



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