Dollar A Day

In this video, it made me think about what we consume. We eat so much more then 1 dollar for a day. It would be so different to live under those conditions. Most of the things I do require nutrition. Living in those circumstances would most likely mean no playing, because you have no energy to do it, like the video said. One other thing about the dollar a day thing, is that they would never know how much they were going to get that day. They might be blessed with 9 dollars, or they might litterly have no money for anything that day. It shows you how blessed you are, to eat maybe 5 or 10 dollars worth of food in a day. It definatly puts things into perspective, if you got home one day, and there was no food on the table. Or if you got sick, and you had no medicine. These things we take for granted, things that we don’t know what its like to not have the things you need, until maybe you litterly don’t know what its like to have these things, or go without these things. Also, there is thing that we just want and get without hardly lifting a finger, and we always have everything we need and more, where as these people don’t have things that they need or things that they want. Try going without Christmas presents one year, some of these kids probably don’t get a present all year. Maybe for them, to get a pack of markers is an extreme blessing, where as for us, its just “Oh, big deal, another pack of markers.” The people there live in such community, yet they have so little. For us, we might hate school, for them school is such a blessing. They want it, we want to get rid of it.

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