Pythagorean Thereom

Pythagorean Theorem Project Reflection

Hannah, Eva, Abi


Our project was about the distance between a girl, and her cousin just taking off in an airplane. The girl on the ground wanted to know how far away her cousin was from herself. She knew how far up her cousin was (73 feet), and how far away she was from the plane (10560 feet), but she needed to know the direct distance. Coming up with the idea was somewhat hard, but it wasn’t my idea so I’m not sure how she came up with it. The answer to the problem was 10560.25 feet away, which I think makes sense because after you square the numbers and add them, the answer would be close to our answer.


Immigration Day

A few things I learned from immigration day:

  1. Not to take school for granted. The second person we talked to, he didn’t have the chance to go to school because he had to work for his family. So many people would love to go to school when we dread going to school.
  2. People have all different kinds of reason to immigrate. The first person immigrated because she was getting married, and the second person left because he wanted a better life
  3. These people have insane stories. For example, I can’t immagine leaving my contry when I was TEN years old. Thats like a 4th or 5th grader.

All in all, these people have so many stories, and they do things we can’t immagine, because we live these comfy lives. They do so many things, and they all have their own unique stories, all of them different.

Immigration Field Trip

Two things I learned on this field trip were:

  1. I didn’t know that there were border patrol people looking for illegal immigrants. I thought that the people came to the gate and then got caught, not that they got caught while they were still on their journey.
  2. I didn’t know that these people got their things taken away. Literally, everything that they had was taken away.

Dollar A Day

In this video, it made me think about what we consume. We eat so much more then 1 dollar for a day. It would be so different to live under those conditions. Most of the things I do require nutrition. Living in those circumstances would most likely mean no playing, because you have no energy to do it, like the video said. One other thing about the dollar a day thing, is that they would never know how much they were going to get that day. They might be blessed with 9 dollars, or they might litterly have no money for anything that day. It shows you how blessed you are, to eat maybe 5 or 10 dollars worth of food in a day. It definatly puts things into perspective, if you got home one day, and there was no food on the table. Or if you got sick, and you had no medicine. These things we take for granted, things that we don’t know what its like to not have the things you need, until maybe you litterly don’t know what its like to have these things, or go without these things. Also, there is thing that we just want and get without hardly lifting a finger, and we always have everything we need and more, where as these people don’t have things that they need or things that they want. Try going without Christmas presents one year, some of these kids probably don’t get a present all year. Maybe for them, to get a pack of markers is an extreme blessing, where as for us, its just “Oh, big deal, another pack of markers.” The people there live in such community, yet they have so little. For us, we might hate school, for them school is such a blessing. They want it, we want to get rid of it.

Nicaragua #5

La  cafeteria está muy pequeño.

La  gimnasio está muy y grande.

La cafeteria está de la izquerda de la bibliteca.

Bonaza está cerca de Siuna.

Rama está a la derecha de jugalpa.

Sorntillo está a la izquerda de Jinotega.

Nicaragua #4

Las classes en Nicaragua: El arte, las ciencias, a historia, matamaticas, education fisica, y mas.

La classe de ingles es importante en Nicaragua.

La classe de musica incluye la guitara.

La classe de ciencias es muy importante.

Son las siete de la mañana, escuala empezan.

Son las cuatro de la tarde, escuala salen.

Son las diez de la mañana, ellos comen.

Nicaragua #3

  1.  Daniel Ortega es importante, es un Nicaraguan, es Bajo, intelliete, y grande.
  2. Richardo Mayorga es athletico, importante, bajo (5’9″), y  no es grande
  3. Devern Hansack es athletico, alto, y importante, 

My Spanish Country

→ Personas saludan en Nicaragua

Me Pais de Español es Nicaragua. En Pais es muy bien. 

En Nicaragua, el Capital es Managua.  La colores por la bandara es  asul y blanco. Nicaragua en Central Americano. Cercanos en este oceanes: Oceano Atlantico, y Oceano Pacifico.  Tocan este Paises: Guatamala, Hondures, y Panama.  Las personas en Nicaragua usa Adios, y ¨Dale Pues” por despididas y saludos.  ¨Dale Pues” medio  ¨ OK¨.  Adios medio “Adios 🙂 “.  Amigas besos en las mejeas  Nicaragua no usa mas  y saludos. Usa boca, y no mas cuerpos partos.

How can I be light in a Dark World?

Matthew 5:13-15

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

How can I be a light in our dark world?

I can be a light  in our dark world by service. If I serve others they may see my good works that will glorify our father in heaven. In other words, if I am serving a non-christian and they see me doing it heartily, they may wonder what makes me do it with a good attitude and ask why. I can tell them about Jesus Christ living in me and possibly bring them to Christ.