Taking Care of God’s Creation

       I can take care of God’s creation by not littering and picking up after myself and others.

         I can also not feed the animals and not destroy their homes.

       I can also recycle things I use and not use as many materials. 

Ibex Dear

The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
    he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
    he enables me to tread on the heights.-Habakkuk 3.19

The Ibex dear is very good with it’s feet and can go on steep cliffs and stand there.In Habakkuk’s prayer,He wants to be like that dear and feel protected and safe whenever he is with God.That is how we should feel when we are around God.imgres-2

Book Reveiw

One book I’ve read this year that I really like is Fever.I liked it because it was a real life story that could have really happened and it was realistic.It was written by Laurie Halse Anderson.

Philippians 4:4-7

          Rejoice in the Lord always,I will say it again,Rejoice!Let your gentleness be evident to all Do not be anxious about anything but in prayer and petition present your requests to God.And the peace of God which  transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

              I like the part where it says “present your requests to God”.We can just tell God everything we are thinking with no hesitation. 

Market Day Reflection

Collaboration:It can be hard because everyone has different ideas they want to do.

Critical thinking:You need to determine the right price so that people will buy it but you also need to make enough money

Creativity:You need to be creative with table setup and the idea of the product so that customers are attracted.

Communication:When you are with the venture capitalist, you need to make sure you know everything you need to and that you listen and look them in the eye.

The Best Thing: The best thing about Market Day was when we sold out and all our work payed off.

One Thing to Change:I think we needed to be more prepared with the venture Capitalists.

Most Important Thing Learned:That your hard work will ALWAYS  pay off.


What I Know

What I know about the sun and moon and earth is:

The earth is mostly blue↓                        The sun is orangish ↓


Where Have I Seen God

Looking Back:Where and how have you seen and experienced God this school year?

       The weather.It has changed on and off so suddenly.It snowed one day and the next day was like 70 degrees.

Looking ahead:Where and how do you hope to see and experience God before the school year ends?

        On family games day in June.I hope our team will encourage each other and that we will work together and help each other.



Our group chose putty for our market day product because you can play with it, it helps you concentrate and is just awesome compared to our other ideas

The liquid glue costed (a gallon) $13 dollars and we would start with one and get more if we needed it.Liquid starch (a gallon) costed 2.81 (one).Food coloring costed $3.16 and easter egg shells costed $7.50 (we’re buying 3 to be safe) and added up it all equals $26.05.

Our expected profit is 52 dollars and 95 cents.


Final Pinball Reflection


Is the pinball machine more scientific than you thought?

It is.I didn’t know about the motor,batteries, and lights.

What is one thing that surprised you?

How easily the lights and motor turned off.

What is one thing you enjoyed?

I enjoyed building the machine and helping make things run as smooth as possible.


What were some of the joys found from working in a group?

If you didn’t know how to do something,there could be someone in your group who could help.

What were some struggles of working in  a group?

Other people had other ideas and so it was sometimes hard to agree on something.


  • to work together more
  • to work on what you have to get done before I do what I want to do



“Solmon’s Temple”

Photo on 3-17-16 at 9.25 AMI chose to make solmons temple like I did because that is how it seemed how  Solmon would have made  it. The cardboard is the most holy place and the one inside the box is the holy place.The rest is the door and the walls.