Psalm 51

Psalms 51:11,12 says,

      Do not cast me from your presence,or take your holy spirit from within me.Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.


I chose this verse because we want God to grant us a willing spirit and we do not want to be cast away from Gods spirit. If God took his spirit from us we would be hopless.

Photo on 3-8-16 at 9.07 AM


Aliens.This site is not credible . Just because it looks oficial,that doesn’t mean that the information is corect.It is not credible because the information isn”t corect.


Book I am reading

I am reading this book because I found it at the library when I had been reading Geronimo Stilton books and the Thea books intrested  me  so I got a couple and I liked them so I read them alot today

Favorite Bible Verse

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The best part of third grade

One of the best parts of third grade was when we had field day.You do field day with 1st through 5th graders in your family group.At field day you play games with your family group and you play against other family groups.  We play the games through and for zeeland. This year we did field day on June 2, 2015.We were missing one player in second grade so we only had ten players. My favorite game was probably noodle soccer .We won-8 to5 . We had three 5th graders- Ainsly, Lena and Hannahand they were our captains.I had fun in third grade!

My favorite Spring Sport

My favorite spring sport is baseball.We, meaning the five kids in our family, love the sport.The oldest4 kids(Jake,Sam,me and John are all playing it this season.I am doing soft ball and my brothers are doing baseball.We play other games that help you practice too such as” pickle”it is a game that helps you practice stealing and you try not to get caught in a pickle.

Our family also made up team Knot.There is baseball,football,basket ball,hockey and soccer.Team Knot is a sports team that we made up where we practice playing the sports then we play actual games We are in baseball season  right now.

We cheer for the baseball team the Tigers.Every year we go to a least one Tigers game.My favorite Tigers player is out fielder J.D. Martinez.I love baseball(and softball!)


My Favorite Specials

My favorite specials are gym and music.I like gym because it gives you a chance to be active and to play hard and sweat witch I absolutely love.I like music because I love to sing and praise the Lord.We do gym and music with Mrs. Scrotenbors class.In gym we also play games such as dodge ball,base ball,tag,hokey and soccer and other games.In music some of the songs we sing are songs for our concert in the beginning of the year.Every year in music class me have a musical.This year it was called back to the cross.One of the characters was C.W Worthington.My brother tried out and he got that part.

Internet searching

First, you have to search what you want to know.

Then you have to elaborate what you searched.

then you have to make sure the information  you are getting is safe by  adding site; edu  or site;gov

or you can use the- sighn  and then  you  write what you dont want