Weekly Update

Give your parents a brief summary of your topic for your personal narrative. Mine topic for my personal narrative is the Great Lakes Tournament.

Tell your parents three new facts that you will never forget about our solar system. There is only one star there is 8 planets

What was your best part about this week? Going Home

Hello, and Happy Friday!!

Not to many more of these as we are flying through the year! We are making our way through the curriculum in good order! Mr. Hutt is having the kids researching the various battles and events of the Revolutionary War. They spent yesterday’s lunch describing to me what they were learning. For example, the “Battle of Bunker Hill” was actually fought on Breed’s Hill. Who knew?!  Mr. Hutt is also coming to the end of the math chapter on long division and I am finishing up with measurement and geometry. Both groups will be assessed next week. In ELA, the class is into their second week of working on their Personal Narratives with Mrs. Keyser. They are making great progress on them, and are beginning to write their rough drafts. In my science class, we are bringing the Solar System unit to a close by taking the assessment today. In Bible class, we are finishing up the unit on the early life of Christ. They are learning what it was like to be considered an adult at 12 in Jesus’ time. I think my class is happy to still be considered a kid at 12!

This past Friday, the 5th grade put on the Chapel for the school, and things went very well. Mr. Hutt did a great job of reading the story If you were not able to attend, you can go to the school’s Facebook page and look at the videos and watch it.

I would like to thank all those who volunteered to drive to Calvin College on May 13th. We are set with enough to get us there! Thanks also to those who volunteered to purchase the consumables for our next science unit.

A bit short this week, but I am not short with good feelings about how this year is drawing to a close! I once again am reminded how fortunate(Blessed) I am to have found my way to Zeeland Christian! Or, more likely, our Lord found my way here. I pray you all have a great weekend! In His name, Paul

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