Response to Planetarium Visit

Write a summary about the visit

The planetarium was a little place with a domed roof. The roof was like a big TV screen with a show about planets. It was fun to learn more about space and other galaxies
What questions do you have?
One of the Questions I have is: why was the Planetarium so small the school was really big I mean huge!!

What was the most amazing thing you heard?

The most amazing thing I heard was the next lunar eclipse was in 2021. WOW right?

You may have noticed that God wasn’t mentioned. Why do think that is?

Well this school is not a christian school so that is why. Another reason is that if other Public schools came in didn’t believe in God?

If you were giving that presentation to other 5th graders would told them
that God created the universe?

Yes I would because everyone needs to learn about God no matter who they

Internet Research

There are 5 ways to search the web

1. You can the Easy Who is
2. You can search within domains
3. You can use The Way back Machine
4. You can read other links that the company makes
5. You can use ” ” to combine word and get less results