Cross The Street

May 14, 2015
by jcross19

Wave Erosion Project

For science class we had to make a 3D model of a type of erosion. We had wave erosion. As seen in the picture below we did a before and after and demonstrated things that wave erosion creates. For example we made the flat stream after erosion turn into a water fall, and we made a wave-cut platform, which is when waves erode a cliff into a flat piece of land. We also did a live example where we had dirt and water and we created waves and watched as the dirt slowly eroded and the dirt pile went

April 20, 2015
by jcross19

Volcano Presentation

These are pictures of my groups school project. We were tasked to make a volcano out of play-dough and label all the parts of it. We will be making them erupt in the next few days. We made the play-dough and also painted it and labeled it.

Photo on 4-16-15 at 1.05 PM #2 Photo on 4-16-15 at 1.05 PM

February 24, 2015
by jcross19


One day I went to Keagen’s house to do fireworks. His mom was worried about us hurting ourselves and didn’t like us playing with them. She said she had to leave later to go to her relatives house and she was going to get ready and pack up. Keagen and I went in side to get a lighter because the one we had wasn’t working. Mr. Viening helped us find one inside and said to be careful and don’t do anything stupid. When we went back outside Juliet was in the garage and playing on her scooter laughing. She hated it when Keagen didn’t pay attention to her. Before we lit fireworks off we got distracted (as usual) and we found a pile of old wood boards. We were practicing board breaking for our karate classes with the boards. It was a cold day that day, about 45 degrees outside. Mr. Veining called us inside because he wanted us to take a break from the cold and get warmed up and he needed to do something in the garage for a few minutes. After a 20 minute break we went back out and Mrs. Veining told us to take all the fireworks out of the truck because she had to leave. When she had left we started lighting off fireworks. We were using some that looked like tiny sticks of dynamite and you light them and the explode one after another in a line. We detached them from the main strand and set individual ones off. We thought it would be fun to try and blow things up, so we buried one, leaving just the fuse out, and watched as the ground above it exploded. We put others in a cardboard box and made it explode. Next, we started a new strand of fireworks, and the first one we took off we had an idea that we wanted to try. We grabbed it, lit it and then as we were putting it down it exploded in our hands. It hurt both of us, and we then looked at the next one on the strand, and it’s fuse was cut as well. Someone cut the fuses on all the fireworks on that strand.

Solution: Mrs.Veining didn’t like us always messing around with fire works and when she had to go pack up the truck earlier that day she cut the fuses to teach us a lesson for playing with fireworks.

February 3, 2015
by jcross19

Stephen Project

Stephen, a man of God, preaches constantly in the city and tells of great wonders of God. After a while of doing this people began to question Stephen. For example, the opposition consisted mostly of men that were Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria, as well as provinces of Cilicia and Asia. But they could not stand against Stephen because of the wisdom that the Holy Spirit and God gave him. Some of the people against him and what he was saying started talking in secret and persuaded men to say to other people that Stephen was speaking blasphemous about Moses and against God. This concerned the leaders and teachers of the law when they heard this blasphemy.

They went to where Stephen was and captured him  and took him to the Sanhedrin (who were the leaders and council of the place) and held a trial for Stephen. They created false witnesses who testified against him and said “This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law. For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs Moses handed down to us.”

All of the Sanhedrin looked at him intently and said that his face was like that of an angel.

The Sanhedrin then asked Stephen “Are these charges true?”

Stephen responded by saying  “Brothers and fathers, listen to me! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Harran.  ‘Leave your country and your people,’ God said, ‘and go to the land I will show you. He told of the story of  Moses to them.  When the Sanhedrin heard all of this they had become furious.  Then Stephen looked up and said “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” At saying this all the Sanhedrin covered their ears and yelled at the top of their voices and rushed at him. They dragged him out of the city and stoned him. He  prayed this prayer “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit,” “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” Then he died and went to finally be with the Lord in heaven.

December 15, 2014
by jcross19

Spaghetti Stick Tower

This is our Spaghetti Stick Tower for the Egg challenge. We had to build a tower out of only spaghetti sticks with a budget, and it had to hold an egg while being shaken. Our tower is based off of a 4 sided pyramid, except we made it thinner and taller. We built it this way because it gets smaller towards the top, then when you put weight on it, it pushes the base out and supports the weight evenly.We taped the base down to the cardboard because when it is being shaken we don’t want it to come off. The top has a few supports, so once we put the egg on it we lower the support and it holds it in place. We also bought insurance so if anything breaks on accident we can replace it.



Photo on 12-15-14 at 1.37 PM

December 9, 2014
by jcross19

Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit and how does He work in YOUR life?

The Holy Spirit is Just like God and Jesus, He is not a ghost, even though a name for him is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit doesn’t work by speaking, but rather he helps us with decisions and works in our hearts. Some of the things that the Holy Spirit helps us with are; he helps us understand scripture and make decisions, he helps us to have a relationship with God and Jesus, and helps us grow closer to God. The bible says the Holy Spirit has a mind, emotions and a will. The Holy Spirit has all the same qualities as Jesus and God.

The Holy Spirit works in my life by helping me understand all the scripture and verses we study in school and at church. He also helps me have a ever lasting relationship with God, and helps me to communicate with him. The bible says that the Holy Spirit can help us when we can not think of words to talk to God, it says he intervenes and gives us the words and thoughts we need. The bible says that

the Holy Spirit is wisdom, understanding, knowledge and fear of the Lord. The holy spirit is what enables me to have an understanding relationship with God, and he gives me the right words when I’m trying to help others understand or just trying to understand my self more about the Bible, and he helps me to know when something is right or wrong.

November 21, 2014
by jcross19


This year one thing I learned was scientific notation. It is when a number is very long and you put a number 1 – 10 (depending on the number you started with) times 10 to the power of how many decimal places you had to move it. So then when you are done it should look something like this. 3.4 x 10 to the power of 3. Now here is an example of how to do it. If your starting number is 40,000,000,000 then you have to get a number between 1 – 10 remember, so look at the picture below. You move the decimal point over until it is 4. Each spot you move it counts as 1. So as seen below the way this would look completed is 4 x 10 to the tenth power. This also works the other way around, so if your starting number would have been 0.0000000004 then you have to move the decimal point (or you can count the zeros) until you are left with 4. Then it would look almost the same as the other way except that it will be put to a negative power. So it will look like this completed. 4 x 10 to the negative (-) tenth power. (-10)


November 12, 2014
by jcross19

Thoughts on Bowling

Yesterday we got to go bowling for the second half of the school day, it is always nice when you get a break from school for a while. We had a great time and got to just hang out with friends and teachers for a few hours. I think that this is a good fun activity to do to get away from school once in a while.

November 12, 2014
by jcross19

Metaphor Writing

Metaphor Writing

I am like a tree because it grows every day, and I grow in my faith and have new experiences everyday. I get taller everyday, and when I go places and do things I learn from them and grow in my knowledge. I try new things everyday, just like trees grow a little bit more and have different weather everyday. With the flavor of star fruit in my mouth, I had tried something new.

Trees have many leaves and some fall off over time. I have “leaves” in my life, things that don’t go well but that I have to face and get through them. Once I have passed over the trial in my life, it essentially falls off like a leaf on a tree. Trees have many more leaves that don’t fall off at the same time, and that symbolizes the other trials still to come in my life. One of the leaves I have had in my life was when I broke my arm when I was little. It was hard for me because I was in school and I broke the arm I wrote with so I couldn’t do many of the things we were supposed to do in class.

In the spring time trees get new buds, that will eventually turn into flowers or something else. These buds symbolize the good things and accomplishments in my life. Every time I do something new or accomplish something a new bud forms. For example, some of my accomplishments are winning a writing contest and getting a laptop, another is gaining new belts in karate. The buds on the trees that eventually turn into flowers are the pretty parts of our lives and the parts people remember about us. They hide the leaves of the tree or the ugly parts.

The roots of the tree dig deeper and make the tree more stable each and everyday. The roots of my life is based on my faith, and my faith gets better each day, and it stabilizes me and is the base and foundation of my life. Even if you cut a tree down its roots will still be sturdy in the ground, so just like when people in this world try to harm you or hurt you, you roots are still there and will keep you firm in life. When my grandpa died when I was younger it made my roots grow stronger because it taught me that I need to believe in God and he will comfort me and this experience has helped me in my life in the long run even when it may have been a trial to start with.

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