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March, 2013

  1. 3 Poems

    March 27, 2013 by jelenbaas18


    Fun, awesome

    flipping, flying, air

    zipping with speed



    my family is a house

    my dad is the walls of the house, giving us boundaries and limits

    my mom is the couch or the bed giving us comfort

    bryce is a light giving us joy and light

    kiria is a door letting fun in



    who is fast, nice, and forgiving

    who is a son of Ryan

    Who loves clash mountain dew and pizza

    who dislikes healthy foods

    who is afraid or his dog

    who likes realming, hunting and eating

    who would like to see lava, get a parrot and visit hawaii

    who learned how to shoot a bow and used it to kill a deer

    who lives in Zeeland, Michigan


  2. Quiero Visitar a Costa Rica

    March 22, 2013 by jelenbaas18

    Yo quiero visitar a Cosa Rica porque es muy bonito allí con montañas, cascadas y muchos diferentes animales, pájaros, y peces. Costa rica es probablemente uno de los paizes que attracta lo mas turistas en sur america. Pienso que Costa Rica va a mirar un poco como Guatemala. Que podias hacer sin volcanes? Hay que hacer ziplines entre volcaanes y montañas como en guatemala. Pienso tambien que deben hacer que va arriba de el oceano. Si yo pudia decidir, iba a ir en Costa Rica para visitar.



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