Picture Book Reflection

We wrote a pictrue book for a school project. it took us about 10 to 11 weeks to finish it. We researched by asking little kids what they want to see in a picture book. we took about 2 weeks for brain storming then we took 3 to write our ideas down. then we edited to make proper grammer and spelling. then we made a final draft and shared with 1st graders.

Tim Bocsh Chapel

We had a middle school chapel yesterday, and there was a former student named Tim Bocsh and he had some crazy sickess/ defect called brittal bones. he told us about how if he wasn’t stuck in a wheel chair he wouldn’t have had half of the oppertunities to share christ than he has while in a wheel chair. I think that it was amazing how long he lived after the docters told his mom he  wouldn’t live a day, I really think that it shows Gods power and Tim knows and he shares that often.

Global Warming

in our science class we have been talking about global warming. here is a presentation about it. http://prezi.com/jmtjlfdijsga/a-challenge-to-the-city-of-zeeland/ (Copy paste the link to your search bar) so ways you can help are carpool or take the bus, don’t use as much heat for water or the air in your house, turn off water and lights when your done with them, don’t use an unexeptibale amount of anything that uses electricity, spread the word about it. 


Romans 10:9-14

i think that this verse means that if we have faith and truly believe in God our LORD that Jesus is our Savior. it shows that if we just say that we believe in God and don’t really believe in our hearts we won’t be worthy in His eyes. but if we believe and speak to others about it we will be worthy in God’s eyes and in the eyes of others and we spread the word to nonbelievers.

skill improvment

I have finished a design project. I have learned how to work better with a group of people by asking them questions and giving them advise. For example I told Dylan to make sure that what he made was scale. I also learned how to work alone better by thinking out of the box then going to work on the idea and when I’m done I show my group. For example I thought creative and made a bench out of popsicle sticks and it was scaled perfectly.

We have not been chosen to present but I had a lot of fun with the model making. My group and I did really hard work and got a lot of compliments from our studio and from the adults that came to see the presentation. I liked what was made by all the groups and how creative it all was. I appreciate what my group did to make all the work fun and easy. something i will always remember is how easy it was to stand up on stage.