Explorers Facts Blog

Q. Why did merchants want to get to east so badly?

A. Because they had spices that they wanted very badly.

Q. Why couldn’t traders take a land route anymore?

A. Because they had boats to use.

Q. Share information about the two explorers you studied.

A. America was named after Amerigo Vespucci. Juan Ponce de Leon sailed from Florida to Puerto Rico.

Q. What kind of items did sailors bring with them on their expeditions?

A. They brought food like deer meet and fish dead in barrels.

Q. Describe the importance of teamwork during a group project.

A. If your team doesn’t get along they won’t agree with anything so you won’t get anything done.

Q. How did the expeditions benefit the King or Queen’ s countries?

A. We have the newest technology  and we have all the spices you could chose from.