Dollar A Day

The video made me feel spoiled and awful! It made me remember that we have so much and we complain and are ungrateful for what we have.

I learned that some people have to wonder if they are going to have food the next day. Unlike us we come home from school and work and know that we are going to have supper soon. But people in other parts of the world wonder were they are going to get there next meal or if they are even going to have a next meal.

I can’t stop poverty all around the world but I can help here. We can give food to those who need and it and tools to build.

Something that I noticed was that sometimes after school some friends and I go to Captain Sundae. We get it for a treat. That is not a big deal for us a $1.98. But to someone else that is about 2 days worth of money for everything. Food, School, etc. It makes me feel so spoiled and ungrateful. It’s not a good feeling.