
This past week has been a lot different than usual. Having school at home is not fun for me at all. It has been challenging for me to just have to sit at my desk and do my work without being able to interact with all of my friends. It’s super boring. The only thing I like about having school at home is that I can do it whenever I want to. There also isn’t as much work so it doesn’t take as long to finish everything you need to get done. I’ve had more time to be able to do whatever I want which is nice, but at the same time it can get boring pretty fast. In all of this mess I keep telling myself that God is in control over whatever happens and that he has a plan for this all. It has challenged me in my faith because we have to put this whole situation in God’s hands because it is so out of our control. Even if we wish we could handle it, we can’t.

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