Blog #4 Bolivia

San Andrés in La Paz es la escuela más grande.

Los maestros suelen ir a la huelga para protestar por salarios más altos u otras cuestiones.

La educación en Bolivia fue formalizada por los europeos hispanohablantes que colonizaron los Estados ibéricos que ocupan la actual Bolivia.
Ellos tienen que classes en espanol. Ellos tienen que matematicas. Ellos tienen que historia.



Ellos tienen que un cuatro horas cambio. (Yo miro en el internet y yo no encontrar los tiempos)
Ellos comen a las diez y media.


Bolivia Blog #3

1. Arturo Posnansky

Arturo Posnansky es un arqueólogo famoso. El es muy serio. El es alto y organizado.

Image result for was Arturo Posnansky funny

2. Juan Lechin Oquendo

Juan lechn Oquendo es un hombre muy serio. El es un líder. El es muy organizado y inteligente.

Image result for Juan lechin Oquendo

3. Simon Patino

Simon Patino es artístico. Es muy serio. Es un hombre y es alto.

Image result for Simon Patino


El nombre de mi pais es Bolivia. La capital en Bolivia es La Paz. El colores en el bandera en Bolivia son Roja, Amario, y Verde. El continente de Bolivia es Africa. El Oceanos cercanos en Sur pacifica y norte atlantica oceanos. 1 saludos en Bolivia es la chiaca dar 1 besar. 2 saludos en Bolivia es el apretón de manos. 3 saludos en Bolivia es tocar las mejillas. Ellos tocar las mejillas

South Carolina Colony + Video

So I want to tell you a little bit about South Carolina Colony. Here it goes. This is a video about why you should come to South Carolina Colony. Movie on 2-1-17 at 1.38 PM #2-2k0zwkj Click on the link and then click the link that comes underneath it. Also in South Carolina there is religious freedom and GREAT farmland. We also have great, amazing, CLEAN water here in South Carolina. We have slaves for you to use to help you with MANY things. And there just 1 dollar. Also we have great rice paddies for you to buy and sell to gain money. We can provide you with a boat for you to come to South Carolina. Well now you have it South Carolina is the place for you to live. Turn living into fun.

Thanks for reading this!!!



My Legacy

This is how I want people to remember me…I want to be a teacher at a Christian school. I want to teach kids how to read and to write. I want to have an impact in their lives. I will try my best. I really want to change their lives in every way I can. And that’s how I want people to remember me.

Trump is Elected the Next President

Q. How did your predictions compare to the results?

A. They could turn out to be results anytime.

Q. What surprised you most about the election results?

A. I thought Hillary was going to win because she is a woman and some people just care that a woman is running so they might of just thought that oh a woman is running, let’s vote for her even though she did bad stuff

Q. What can we do in our classroom or community to make sure everyone’s voice is heard?

A. Include others and make sure we are not excluding others and make them feel like they are loved and cared for and cared about.

Explorers Facts Blog

Q. Why did merchants want to get to east so badly?

A. Because they had spices that they wanted very badly.

Q. Why couldn’t traders take a land route anymore?

A. Because they had boats to use.

Q. Share information about the two explorers you studied.

A. America was named after Amerigo Vespucci. Juan Ponce de Leon sailed from Florida to Puerto Rico.

Q. What kind of items did sailors bring with them on their expeditions?

A. They brought food like deer meet and fish dead in barrels.

Q. Describe the importance of teamwork during a group project.

A. If your team doesn’t get along they won’t agree with anything so you won’t get anything done.

Q. How did the expeditions benefit the King or Queen’ s countries?

A. We have the newest technology  and we have all the spices you could chose from.


Habakkuk’s Prayer

Habakkuk 3:19

 19. The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
    he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
    he enables me to tread on the heights.


He says to God that he want’s the feet of a deer. It mean’s that Ibex have split hooves so they can climb mountains. They are fearless so that is why Habakkuk want’s the feet of a deer.


Market Day Reflection

  • Collaboration

We had to collaborate a lot in market day. It was hard to work with other people because some of them could not let me do what I wanted to do like set up the table or put something on the table. So that is why it was hard working with a group.

  • Critical Thinking(Money)

We used our money wisely and we used it for the right materials. Like when we bought the fish net and then it wasn’t big enough so we had to buy new fish net and that was not strong enough so then we looked even harder so then we bought the last fish net and it worked perfectly.

  • Creativity

Our product was very unique in my opinion and in the groups opinion. We were very unique of thinking of that!

  • Communication

I think we had good communication we talked if we had a problem and talked with the group about it.