Book Review

My favorite book I read this year was The Million Dollar Shot.  It was my favorite book because it was about a boy who played basketball and basketball is one of my favorite sports. I learned that you should not be nervous because God is in control of everything.  So put all of your trust in God. And that is why one of my favorite songs is called Trust In You the You means God.

Bible Memory

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Where Have I Seen God?

Looking Back

Through abbey making new friends.

In Deborah Tacoma making the freedom wand fro people with disabilities.

Through all of my friends.

Through Mr. Cerbins as he dosen’t have the worst part of his heart problem.

Looking Ahead

Through my brother to finish his first year of high school.

At home as my mom started a new job and help her to keep doing what God has called her to do.

Pinball Reflection



  1. Is the pinball machine more scientific than you thought?


  1. Yes, when we were trying to do the motor it did not work for a long time


  1. What is one thing that surprised you?


  1. That the squishy circuit worked the first time


  1. What is one thing you learned?


  1. That a machine is very touchy



  1. What were the joys of working in a group?


  1. We had more ideas to put the machine together


  1. What were the struggles of working in a group?


  1. We did not always agree on things



                    Do more of other people’s ideas

                    Let more people have ideas and not interrupt

In Training…

What are my talents?


-I am good at sports

-I am good at math

-I am good at typing

-I am good at art

-I am good at reading

-I am good at school

-I am good at catechism


How can I use my talents to serve others?


-I can tell others about Jesus

-I can be a teacher and help little kids

-I can also be a sports coach and help them learn