March 7

Egypt Project

Photo on 3-7-14 at 11.32 AMEgyptian Ancient Technology.We used a marshmallow and a toothpick building place to help our visitors experience ancient Egyptian technology, well, to a smaller scale. I must say. Egyptian modern technology! What a way to use technology to adapt to your environment! Making things to lift water out of the Nile, and saving the risk of falling down its steep banks at the same time. Also, the wheel. Where’d we be without the wheel? I mean honestly. Think about it. They also found a way to carry blocks that weighed at least 1 ton!! HOW COOL!! If that doesn’t say a lot about their intelligence than what does? And the modern stuff. If you thought Egypt was remote. Just forget about it. Advanced Computer Technology (ACT) Is just about as modern as it gets.

Egyptian Art. We had a video on this that explained a lot if I do say so myself. But really.. Egyptian art! What a splendid thing! Using art/writing as a form of communication? Thats using your stuff to the max!their music is a beautiful work of art that expresses so much about them and their country. Also, the paintings are so.. cool, and expressive of their culture. They’ve got skill! I don’t think that anyone could express their deserts as well as them. The incredible thing is that once upon a time Egypt was probably a rather bad place to live, besides the Nile. But now, due to technology, and a way to express themselves Egypt is a revolution of people that care for the best, and only the best for their country.


Posted March 7, 2014 by jhoekwater20 in category Uncategorized

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