Paul’s Story

Two ways that God prepared Paul for a life of ministry are that God made Paul have the gift of speaking multiple languages so that he could share the word of God with others In a different language that might not have anyone to teach them that speak their language. Another way is that he persecuted Christians, but now he is a Christian and is getting persecuted. He can use how he once was a persecutor but now he is a Christian and maybe that will change the prosecutor’s ways. ways that God has prepared me to share God’s word in the future is by adopting me into a Christian family and going to a Christian school so that I can learn more about God so then one day I can share the word with others that don’t know about God. Another way God might use me to share his love with others is in high school. I will go to a public school and there will be people that don’t know God and I can be a light to them and share God with them.

PBL Project

My country was Russia, a few facts that stood out to me about Russia was that Russia is located in Eurasia I thought it was just Europe, Russia is in a middle of a war with Karin because Russia’s president/ruler wants to take over Ukraine and move his way around the world, Russia used to be a soviet union wich now the countries that used to be in the soviet union are independent, The World’s Longest Railway Is in Russia. Russia Is Home to A Lot Of Famous Literature. and Russia covers over 10,563,310.27 miles, and Russia’s pollution is  144.1 million the amount that is Christian is 47.4%. I think that something that stood out about our project was our integrative portion of our jeopardy game because it was fun, and our video It was ok but it was one of our better parts.

Stephen Getting Stoned

For the Stephen project, I did an article with Sam G. I think something we did well on this project was our description or making it easier to understand the story better for other people. I think that if I was there at stunning or speech I think that for the speech I would feel like even if I didn’t necessarily like what he was saying God gave him this instruction that instead of stoning him trust in God and know that he knows beats. if I was there for the stoning I would feel really sad and wonder why people decided to stone him instead of something else just because he was going against what they thought. In Acts 7:57-58 what I get the feeling of what Saul is like is that it tells me that Saul was not a very good man and he was willing to help other people do bad bad things to Christians that didn’t deserve it. I think that the Christians put up with the persecution because they trusted God and knew he had great plans for them like Jeremiah 29:11 says, for I know the plans I have for you are plans to give you hope and a future. They just put God in control and trusted even if that meant putting their life on the line for their faith. 

                  Stephen Getting Stoned

Stephen was originally a Hellenized Jew—a Jew who was Greek in culture but not in ancestry. After he converted to Christianity, the Apostles appointed him to be a deacon serving Jerusalem’s community of Hellenistic converts. 

Stephen was a man that loved God, Stephen had had a lot of God’s grace and power he performed great things amongst the people. Stephen gave a speech to the people he said, “I have faith and God is good, people! There will be a new one that will replace the old one. The people didn’t like that and made up lies about what he had said, ‘We have heard Stephen speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God.” All the people got to gather at the Sanhedrin and they talked about false witnesses and testified to them. They thought what Stephen had said was really bad because Jesus of Nazareth was going to destroy the Sanhedrin, and he was going to change the covenants Moses had made for them. All the people looked at Stephen, they all thought he had a face of an angel.   

They got mad because they did not like the idea of changing the covenant that they liked and God had been faithful in. They were nervous that God would not be a part of the new covenant. They were concerned about having to do more things in their covenant.  they didn’t really trust that God was speaking through Stephen. 

When the people heard what Stephen was saying and how it was changing the old covenant the one Moses gave them they didn’t like it at all the people got ferrous. They dragged him out of the town and they all rushed at him. Stephen knew the Holy Spirit was with him and he saw God and Jesus on the right-hand side when he looked up into heaven. When the people rushed at him and began yelling and screaming at him bad things and throwing stones at him, Stephen prayed to God. “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”  Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, Stephen died because of the harsh and cruel things the people had done because he was going to change the covenant God told Stephen to give to them. 


la casa es mucho grado. la casa nubdo 1 es casa nubrao 2 es 1 es mucho grado casa 2 es pecano essposio no quarto para una patio. la lampara la casa 1 para Iluminación casa 2 es no la grje es tu peciono.



la silla esta en la domintrio. la rampara esta en la cama esta en la domitrioa


Themes Of The Old Testament



This box was talking about how Yahweh/God wants to be in a relationship with you, and how he loves you. Back then God would change people’s names based on what they were like, for example, sals name was changed to paul, and Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah. God had a lot of names for him like Yahweh or Emanuel and a lot more I think God has all these names for him because he is the highest and each one means something good.  I am doing this pic because back then names defined who you are but in this world, names don’t define who you are.  your parents might choose to name you a certain name because of the meaning but some parents might choose a name they like, but the name doesn’t just give you a personality you still choose what other people want to know you as. So in a brief summary of what I just said, just because someone’s name means something it doesn’t mean that they are that way! So you can choose what people want to know you as, not your name!it connects with me because in life my name will mean something to people for me when my friends look back on what friends they had in middle school I don’t want them to think oh yeah JD he was so mean I want them to think oh he was nice and kind and he was a really good friend. so Therefore your name doesn’t define who you are but it might define what people think about you.

YDWYA | handmade clothes with a message



 In the call box, it is talking about how God called Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob to a new land. where He would make them all a great nation. God used a metaphor by saying in Genesis 22:17,” I will surely bless you, and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and as the sand on the seashore.” God is still calling people to this day to keep their ears and eyes open for when he is. If you are having trouble talking to christen friends you feel comfortable with.” trust and obey God, listen to him. I picked this picture because in this picture there are 3 options number 1, answer God number 2, decline God, number 3, hit remind me later. By hitting the answer God you are saying God I will listen to what you half say and trust you no matter what, I will trust you, God. if you hit the decline button you are saying I know best God I know better than you God and I am me so how could you know better than me when it is my body and mind. when you hit remind me later you are saying oh I am to busy for God, and God can what for me and I will just talk to him later because what I am doing right now like playing video games, watching a tv show, reading, etc, what I am saying choose God over all that stuff God is the way to live. This connects to everyone including me, in this world t is so easy to keep doing what you’re doing and just ignore God when he is trying to call for you or talk to you, you could choose remind me later and then forget, or choose God and choose him forever and try your best to always answer God and love him and praise him forever.

Are you called of God? - 2 | Bible Vision International Ministries (BVIM)

Something rotten 

Israel had lousy kings and they all didn’t follow God’s commands. God sent prophets to talk some sense to the Israels, the prophets said: “how long will you guys be up in the air between your idols and the only God, Jesus Christ, choose who you want to serve for the rest of your days”.Elijah, a prophet God sent to show that God was more powerful than Baal, by going to mi Carmel and they would set up an altar and pray to their God or god to send them fire and whoever God sent fire was the most powerful or real. question for everyone, when will you choose God and not your idols? I think it is super easy to pick idols over God like some idols might be sports, phone/apps on the phone, money, popularity, tv, people, and it could go on and on, we pick idols over God a lot more than we think, for sports, we might watch our favorite sports team instead of the church or put all our focus in our sport and not on God when we should have all our focus on Him. same with the rest. For me, I think I idolize the most are sports and a lot more. I put sports down because I think sports are one of the things I idolize the most for einstein’s sports, sports for me is a really easy one because I love playing sports watching sports, one time I had a baseball tournament game on Sunday, and in our family, we don’t play sports on Sundays because we think God calls us to have a day of rest and a day to focus on God, I got to play the game and I have realized looking back on it I idolized it because I was begging my dad if I could play just for one game, and blocked out God and put my focus on baseball. I know how important it is to focus on God and not your idols.

What's Your Golden Calf? – Exodus 32 | Upwards Church



                                         Symbol of the lamp

God promises to David that his generation will never end. David did what the Lord wanted and trusted him, like when he defeated Goliath, he trusted God. Davies’s line goes on and on and it eventually gets to Jesus, where Jesus is the light of the world and saved us this, David messed up and did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and God still used him to be a leader. I picked a picture of a timeline because from the time of 1700bc to 2020 people messed up and did stuff God didn’t like, but God still used them to be a light to the world and be a leader to everyone, and we need more people that will show God’s love to those that need it and to those that don’t know Him! GodI can be a good leader today even though I messed up and do things that God calls us not to do, God still uses everyone to be a light to those around us and to share his word with the whole world! God uses people that mess up all the time, if he didn’t then he couldn’t use anyone.


Timeline of the History of Special Education Diagram | Quizlet

` covenant/doubt 

Israel’s meaning of the name is wrestled with God, in the story, in Genesis 32:22-32, it says, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.” Jacob wrestled God face to face. Sometimes when we are Christians we go through a time of doubting God and questing Him. when you question God or doubt him you are not being a bad Christian, everyone has this happen to them at some point in time. When you doubt God or are questioning him God will put people that will be helpful and caring around you. We are unfaithful to God all the time. one cool thing is that God always stays faithful to us because he loves us even though we mess up all the time. I have doubted God before because it is hard to worship someone that you have never seen before or been alive when he did all these miracles, but one thing I heard before is that I would rather worship God a trust that he is real and confess my love for God and have God not be real then, not trusting God and not confessing my love to God just to find out that God isn’t real even tho he is. for all, we know it could be all fack. But one big thing about being a Christian is having a lot of faith and trusting God, because when Jesus comes back or when we die and we have confused our faith we know where we are going and how amazing it will be in Heaven!  I pick a blank picture because we will doubt God at some time in our life and I have doubted that he isn’t real and so I choose this one because it reminds me that I need to have faith and trust in the Lord that he is real!


The Blank Page. I don't know what to write today… | by Karen Booth | Hopes & Dreams | Medium




Salute to a king

 the cycle of the judges 1. It all went well,2. people start to do things they won’t spouse to and sin,3. The enemies were removed 4.the Isrilets cried out to God for a king. At that time the Israelites wanted a king. Because all the other nations had one they wanted one so they could fit in and be like all the other nations. Now the question is, do we look at the people around us and think of stuff everyone has that I need it to, we should be looking at what God wants, not what culture wants. I think that in this world a lot of people act the same because they think that a certain person will think they are cool or you think everyone will think your true self is weird. If you be yourself and love God no matter what you are in good hands. I pick this one because it is really easy to pick the culture of the world and not the culture of God’s kingdom. It is easy because our friends might go and do something, not in the culture of God’s kingdom and you are not sure what to do and they peer pusher you into doing it that isn’t good we should always choose that culture of God, we shouldn’t let peer pressure get to us we should lesson to what God is saying to us and stick to it and not let anything get in our way. I learned that it is good to be ourselves and not let the culture of the world get in the way of the culture of God’s kingdom!

Culture of God's Kingdom vs. Culture of the World - YouTube




Covenant-deal or promise

This box is about the argument between the 2 groups. The cultural mandate is, the earth is yours if you talk care of it.  If you obey God he will bless you, if you disobey God, he will punish you. Conditional is if my parents say if you go pick up the dog poop in the back yard I will give you $5. unconditional is when God never breaks his promises no matter what happens, like when God flooded the whole earth and after it, he promised never to flood it again and he has kept His promise. We mack deals with people and a lot of the time we break the deals. But God never has ever broken a deal he is perfect and we are not but he still loves us. The handshake is perfect because it is a sign of comment mint in keeping your promise. This connects to me because I make a lot of promises to friends, and I have broken them when I shouldn’t have. One thing I need to work on is when I make a promise I need to keep it and you need to be careful with the promises you make. You need to make promises you know you can keep and say out of ones you don’t think you can. We need to be more like Jesus Christ

How to Avoid Shaking Hands



Sinai law the law


In this box, it is saying the 10 commandments are a promise that God made with the people of Israel. one of the exceptions of the 10 commandments where God will be there God but a big part of this 2-way deal is the Israelites half to obey the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments will help you in your life to become more like Jesus if you follow them. God made the 10 commandments for His people to follow Him. the commandments spouse to help guide us to a better way of living. You can still have fun in life while following them! I picked this picture because a lot of people probably think the man in the picture is God and he made the commandments so we could have no more fun of any kind! We can still have fun while following these commands and not breaking them. I learned that we need to follow what God says like the 10 commandments and everything else he calls us to do. And we still can have fun and follow God’s word and be more like Jesus Christ.



day 5

over the weekend it was kinda hard but kinda not I think on Saturday night I did not tack a shower because taking a cold shower just did not sound fun or nice on Sunday night I took one it kinda felt nice because I just got done playing soccer in the basement with my brother and I was really hot so Sunday night was not to hard. but I think that this week will be kinda hard because I might be a little sick of them and I will just be tempted to turn the water a little higher because yesterday I took one right after my sister and the bathroom was stemming because her shower was so hot and it was super tempting but I will try my best not to turn the water up.

Consumption project

this social studies we are learning about consumption in the world, so we are doing a blog post about how we all have picked a challenge to do for the next 7 days of school, we are doing this because we watched a move about how some people only live with sending 1 dollar a day and there were 4 boys form the USA that went to Guatemala and went to one of the poorest spots in that countries and only spent one dollar a day each it looked really tuff and one guy even got sick and they brought emergency medicine bought they did not have enough money so they borrowed some form a rich guy in the town so and throughout the time they pade him back and I have to pick cold showers to help me better understand how it feels to not have heated water. it has not affected me yet but after my soccer game when i go home and tack a shower that is WHEN IT HITS!!!!

panama 45678765432123456765467656

Panama esscala VA Arriba a 6th Grado. algunos de estas asignaturas matemeticas, las ciencias 2 deffrenta tipos,musica,arta, ingles,espanol,tecnologia,son elegiar.

matematecas\la 1 matematicas elles utilizar las matematecais vision pryeto (mvp).la (ib) pragrama una desfia y los grados 11 y 12.y la (ib) pryecto una buena ensenar comina desarrollar la.

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ellos 6 anos de egles.ellos tomar inglas anos 6-12.

eso vijo 7am o 8am termina 2pm 3pm ellos comer son las dose

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dario agrazal el ser nicado en 28 desembre 1994 (el edad 24). el es y el beisbol pitcher para el detroit tigre .y el piched para el pittsburgh pirata MLB equipo.

 hillario zapata el boxeador para panama. el empezar su perfeshon en 1977. 19 augusto ser cuanda. el conserguir su 1 perdio . el 1 perdio lopez el caje y pardona


jaime barria pershen bisbol. el necado 18 july 1996  (el adad 24). el picher para la los angelas angel .


panema 45

Actividades es nafrego isla y chapote playe  recurso y  bouta de airy vengadores y mundo zoologic y los  boles de nieve de daived.

los commeda. 3 mejo comedas en panama son, gallo pinto, tamale, ceviche, aquellas son algunas commeds en paname