God’s Preparation

~ ~ ~ How has God been preparing you to do work for him? ~ ~ ~


I think God has been preparing me in lots of ways and experiences. One experience that I think has defiantly prepared me would be living in Mexico. When I was in fourth grade I had the privilege of living in Mexico for four months. When I was there I learned how to communicate and build relationships with people who are totally different than me. They might just have a different personality or speak a totally different language. When I went there I spoke hardly any Spanish. I knew just enough to get by, but I found my own way to make friends with out talking. In that experience and with how much I love people I’m not sure how God will use that in the future, but I feel like I will be able to connect with people and show them the love of God. I think another experience is my sister. She is very challenging sometimes and I don’t always with she was there, but I feel like God will use that somehow. Right now I have no clue and can not see what Gods plan is for that, but I know there is one.

Ideal Church vs. Early church

In class we made a list of our ideal church and we compared it with the early church. Our church was more materialistic things and we did things that we would like ourselves not what God would want. The early church was all about being together and sharing their possessions and honoring God. I think we should be more like the early church and do things that are less self centered and focus more on God.


imgres  Covenants

images Names

imgres-1Doubt and Conflict

imgres-2 Call

images-1Slavery and Salvation

imgres-3 Sinai Laws

images-2Something Rotten

images-3Slide to destruction
