February 24

my thoughts about refugees

how would you feel if you had to be a refugee ?

answer: I would be mad sad and scared and I would probably flee to Washington dc and I would also be very proactive of my land and put up electric fences and bombs all around my new house and if people tried to make me move I would kill them.

how does this make you appreciate what Jesus did even more ?

answer:  I appreciate what Jesus did more now because now I  know how hard it was for him to flee his country and that is hard for a lot of other people too ?

February 17

the christmas story (funny version)

So it was time for Mary to have her baby.So they hurried off to bethlehem and looked for a place to stay  they knocked on the house door and a man answered and said this ‘hey who are you, you look stupid I go back in house now’ and then he slammed the door so they went to a different house and this time a woman came out to talk to them and the woman said this ‘ohh I don’t know you who are you’ then Joseph said that they were looking for a place to have a baby, and  the woman said this ‘oh my neighbor was right you are stupid nobody has any room right now all we have is this stable where all the animals are’ Joseph said thank you and then they went to the stable and  Jesus the messiah was born about a hour later some wise men came to give Jesus some gifts some gold, frankincense and incense but when king Herod heard about Jesus he wanted to kill him!! He said bring me Jesus so I can worship to  him but he really wanted to kill him!! But Jesus was safe and that’s all that matters.


The end

February 3

the horse and his boy

what are some christian things in the horse and his boy?

At first I did’t like Narnia books or movies because I thought that they where worshiping a god named Aslan. But this year I figured out that Aslan represents GOD/JESUS. So now that I know that I like them a little more.