
28 05 2013

The character who I thought changed the most was most of the body guards and the presidents staff members. At first the black body guard did not like the white body guards and he felt that they had bad intentions. He didn’t trust them. I feel like the president was an example because he respected white people. Throughout the movie I felt like the whole rugby situation helped all of the staff members realize that the only difference is skin color and that doesn’t mean they can’t be friends. I knew that they changed when they were playing rugby together outside and the president knew that rugby had sort of changed their attitudes.

Something that impacted me was the relationship between the black and white people. Even though they didn’t like each other at first, in the end they got along. That teaches us that even though people may look different, we shouldn’t judge them because they aren’t different then us besides their skin color. We should respect them whatever they may look like.



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