Market Day

My product was rubber band guns.We wanted something that both boy and girl would like.We also could not do something to girly because we had a bot in are group.

If I had to do it again I would do bookmarks.I would do it because I love to read! A lot of people like to read. But when they need a bookmark they pick the one that does not fall out. But then it falls out.

Going to the shark tank was a bit scary. So we tried to look good. Also we tried to look we have done this 100 times.  when we left I felt very proud that we came out alive

Book Blurbs!

Monday Monster book blurb:

Olivia Ross is a girl that loves Mondays because school starts again, P.E., basketball practice. This week Monday is even  more awesome. her class gets to go to the museum of gems. When they get there on Monday May 12 all goes wrong when they step in the museum and a shadow flies by. When they get to the pink Diamond of alaska the shadow figure shows its face.       

Spring Break Book Ideas!


Fantasy:    The lazer lizards

bam is having a laser tag party! All goes wrong when a kid starts shooting and his gun turns into a lizard with a laser on his back!

informational:  Lizards!

LIZARDS! if you love lizards this book is for you!

Mystery:Monday monster

Every monday a monster is in town looking for a pink diamond


4 Truths

This is my four truths posterPhoto on 9-25-14 at 2.06 PM

Here are the four truths:

1.God holds is creation together by his power.

2. God put his image bears in charge of carring for the earth.

3. Sin cased disharmony between God’s image bears and the earth

4.jesus died to restore hamony between God’s image bears and the earth

The book I am reading

The book i’am reading is the sand of time. It’s about a mouse and a mystery. so far i don’t know what the mystery is. This one eared chipmunk first you see him now you don’t. there is also another mouse is painting for an musem. Befor that they almost canceled the exhibit. only because the paintings were cats. They did not like that.So the get to the musem and the pase has not openedd yet.Everyone is croweded on the street. thats how far i have got. i think its supposed to be a childrens book but you still can read it if you’re an adults.


Personal Nartive

The difference between a watermelon story and a seed story is a water melon story tells every single thing that happened. Or in other words the really boring parts. A seed story just tells the important parts.


The difference from when you’re inside the story and outside the story is when you’re inside the story you feel like you’re part of the story.When your out side the story you don’t feel like you’re inside the story and you don’t understand some of the story.


Market Day Reflection

Write about ONE thing you learned from COLLABORATION at Market Day.

For collaboration you need to be a good listener .

Write about ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day.

don’t buy what you think you don’t need

Write about ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day.

It gets more people to come to your stand

Write about ONE thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day.

Your math could be wrong so cheek it!

What was the BEST thing about Market Day?

All the costamers we got

What is ONE thing you’d change if you had to do it again?

Make sure you have a good price

What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you learned from Market Day? How will this impact your

future learning?

How to sell things in life

Market Day Prediction

#1. What I am most excited is…
Selling our product
#2. Our strengths are…
Getting along. how it will help for Market Day… We will work together.
#3. What am i nervous about …
i am worried that we will not sell all are of our product. why am I nervous….. because we will not get as much money
#4. Do I think we will sell all of our product…
I do. Why… I know God will help me and my group during our product
#5. what will i Do If we arnt selling anything…
I will try my best to try to help my group.
#6. how will I remain positve even if things arn’t going as pland…
i will talk to my group to see what we can do
#7What will I do if we sell every thing.
We will count are money pack up quitly and help a nother group
#8 What is my over all prodection of the day…
We will have a good time

Every kid should be active


Every kid should be active to stay fit because there are many sports or
activities to keep you fit. This shows me that it doesn’t matter what sport you play or how many you play I played t-ball,soccer,soft ball,and i STILL do gymnastics. You can also play more than one sport. As I say this i realize many people play more than one sport.I played more than one sport.This connects to my mom.She played and will play softball and volleyball.She loved playing them during the week.She also played them almost every year.that how she stayed fit. That proves that sports can keep you fit.

Every kid should be active for fun because there are many different sports, here are some ideas: running, biking, gymnastics, ballet, softball, and basketball. In other words there are a lot of sports you can play. Sports are fun, they keep you active. Active people play sports or workout. Many people think running is not a sport, but i think it is a sport. Sports help diffrent parts of your body, running helps you legs,softball helps you arms and legs.Sports are fun no matter what sport it is.So that is why YOU should play sports

Every kid should be active to stay healthy because Staying healthy is a big deal you could get over weight. Eating healthy is important to, but you should still be active no matter what.Getting over weight is not fun. Active things will help. Any sport will do.When you’re little you have a lot of energy,But now not so much. So stay active and healthy.Go work out or do a sport. Like run,bike,gymnastics,basketball,soccer, or softball.There are many sports you can play so go play one. ( after you finish my essay)

Other people should care about this because it’s more important than you think. People really don’t care but I DO, you should to. Getting over is not fun. So BE ACTIVE! You could do it just for fun and to stay healthy of course. Here are a cuple more sports you can do:Basketball, baseball, lacross,t-ball, soccer, and football.So that is why you should be active

What people need to know is that being active is important to stay fit, to stay healthy, and just for fun. Being active is important you could get over weight. Any sport will do. I see a lot of people how do different sports. It doesn’t matter what sport you do just do one! Some people play outside that you can do to. An example of this is me I played more than one sport and you should to.

Reflection Of Market Day

3 highlights of are pitch…

#1. We laught and they laughed
#2. We did good and we got two
#3. They liked are product

3 possible improvments

#1. more perpared
#2. we could of glued the PVC
#3. we could have duct tape to show

how would you better perpare if you have to do it again
know the right words to say and had a better thing to show

What advise owuld you give to next years forth graders
Make sure you have every thing ready for your VCs.make sure your group is ready.and for in the beggening work politly with your group.

DOL Quiz – Lesson

1. sam has sang in the city choir,but he don’t want to join the choir at zeeland christan school

2. the girl scouts have began to work on there to new projects

3. she didnt have nothing to send


correct sentenses :


1. Samhas sung in the city, but  he doesn’t want to join the choir at zeeland christan school

2. The girl scouts have began to work on there two new project

3. She didn’t have anything to send

What God has done for me

1 Samuel  “But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.”

My Gifts:

–  learning

– good at reading

– the gift of love

things God gave me:

– Gave me parents

– gave me a family

– gave me life

God has given you gifts to;)