Theme Writing

Lauren DeBoer

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

11 September 2017


This is love-not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son, as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, dear friends since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

-1 John 4:10-11


I always wondered what our grade would pick for a theme verse in 8th Grade. When your in 8th grade at Zeeland Christian, the 7th graders going into 8th grade get to pick the theme verse for the year, and it is really an important thing, because over the year, we talk about the verse, memorize, and do it. So if it’s lost in love, then we will do things to be that verse. (Example: picking up trash off the floor in a classroom after class.) We can show our theme, Lost in Love, to others in our school and to people in the world.


I can show this theme this theme many ways at school. An example of this would be: picking up things off the floor after class for the teacher, because sometimes kids don’t always pick up the stuff that they drop on the floor, or they just talk to friends when you’re supposed to be cleaning up. Since we have a new addition in our school, that means we got new carpet. There have been a lot of spills, and crumbs that kids stepped on and our in the carpet, so since we have new carpet, we need to make sure we are keeping it nice. Another example would be: stacking the chairs on the tables, we have someone who cleans the floors and vacuums for us in our school, and it really helps when we stack the chairs so that they don’t have to do that. We might think that stacking the chairs doesn’t really make a difference, but it does for the people who are giving their time to clean our classrooms. Another example would be: holding the door for someone when they are walking into class. Sometimes we have our hands full, or we have books in our hand, and it’s really nice when someone takes the time to open the door for you. Holding the door is so easy, so if you wanted to do something for lost in love, it could be as easy as that. And my last example would be: asking the teacher if they need help with anything. Sometimes the teachers have a lot to do, and sometimes it’s nice if you walk to the printer for them to grab some papers, or even walking around the room and picking up garbage, or straightening the books on the shelf.


As Christians, we can also show this theme to the world. There is a lot going on in the world, and we need to keep everyone in our prayers. The people who are affected by the hurricane, or who are in the hospital, etc. We can also show this theme by making people in our community or lunch, or the people who don’t have a lunch. Sometimes it is so easy to just think about ourselves and not others. But our theme says, “since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” And when we do things for other people, that is showing them love. In this world, there are a lot of people who do not have homes, or money to buy food, or a place to stay. And we can help them by picking up a lunch for them, or making one, or buying them some blankets for at night, even if you gave something small to someone in need, it would make

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them feel important, because they would know people care about them. Another way to show our theme would be to help out at a church event, maybe volunteering at Vacation Bible School in the summer, or for nursery in our Church to help out with the little kids. Another way to show our theme would be to ask someone you know (neighbors, family, cousins, etc.) if they want you to just watch / babysit their kids for them so they can go out to dinner or something.


We can show our theme, Lost in Love, to others in our school and to people in the world. I think that it is really important to help others, and not just worry about ourselves. I am so excited that we picked the theme “Lost in Love” and I can’t wait to see how we get to act out our theme throughout the year.

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