Wind Erosion


Before and After unnamed-3

In the before ( on the right ) it shows sand dunes on top of rock underneath the surface with a river in the middle of the valley. After a time the wind erodes at the rock and at the sand. In the after ( on the left ) The sand had been blow off of the rock and the sand dune had gotten smaller. As the sand went down the rock it went into the river and made it into a stream. The wind erosion had made a ventifact which is a oddly shaped piece of rock formed by wind erosion, a loess which is a cliff with jagged edges created by wind erosion. It also eroded at the rock underneath causing it to get smaller and causing the sand on top to go away leaving the rock underneath.



Volcano Project!





Persecution in India


Christian Persecuted



Spaghetti Marshmallow Tower


Inline image 1

In school we are making a spaghetti and marshmallow tower that will be able to hold an egg. We had to make it up to 40 cm high. We made a base of a square that went up cube on the bottom. Then by every corner it went up into a triangle. The top had little spaghetti sticking out of it to hold the egg. Some of the spaghettis had cracked and not our tower is a little lopsided, but we made the cracked spaghetti into the new leg. The top also got a little messed up because the marshmallows dried and hardened in the wrong way. It turned off to the side and now it will be kinda hard to keep the egg on it.



Holy Spirit


Who is the Holy Spirit?


In the Bible it has clearly spoken of the Holy Spirit as God. The Holy Spirit has many characters of God. Acts 5:3-4. No ones knows any of the thought of God only God and the Holy Sprit of God. The Holy Spirit is also divine. The Holy Spirit is a divine person with a mind, emotion and a will and it is living inside us. It thinks and it knows. 1 Corinthians 2:10. The Holy Sprit grieves. Ephesians 4:30. The Holy Sprit intercedes from us. Romans 8:26-27. The Holy Spirit is God. The fruits of the Holy Spirit is Galatians 5:22-23 Love, Joy, Peace, Patients, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness Gentleness and Self-Control. This is what happens when the Holy Spirit Come into a Christians Life. We need to believe and repent to get the Holy Spirit in our lives and it will never leave us. When sin comes into our lives it quenches the power of the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit will never leave. God promises eternal life to all the believers and he always keeps his promises, so if a believe receives the power of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will stay with them tell redemption.


How Does the Holy Spirit work in you life?

The Holy Spirit works in my life everyday. I can feel when the Holy Spirit tells right or wrong. When I am in a tough situation and I need to make a yes or no I can feel the Holy Sprit working and telling me what is the right thing to do. I know that the Holy Spirit is always with me and the Holy Spirit is God, so I know that the Holy Spirit is always with me even in my toughest times. I know that God is always with me and he will always be with me forever. I can feel him in my life always telling me what to do.





For our assignment we had to take something we learned and show it how we could use it in real life.

Ordered Pares:

10,780, 000,000,000,000,000 jelly beans are in a huge jar. We need to shorten the answers length so it can fit on the poster. Use scientific notation.  The decimal right now is is here:

10,780, 000,000,000,000,000. 

They have to make it fit to show the crowd how many jelly beans they have. If you move the decimal to make it shorter it would look like this. 10.78, but that is not write because now you have to add the square root to ten. It would look like this if you count how many it took to get to the decimal you would get 10 to the 18th power. Now they can fit this huge number on the little poster. They would write 10.78 * 10 to the 18th power. Now they can show how much jelly beans are in the jar.





We had an afternoon where we went bowling. We got there and it was raining out and wet. I was soaked before I even got into the building.  When I got inside we were all in a big group ready to bowl. We all got our shoes for our bowling. Mine were WAY too big so I had to go back and get a different pair. We had played two games. I didn’t win either of them. ( I am not a very good bowler 🙂 ) My highest score was 50 or something like that. We didn’t get to finish out last game, but we were almost done. My friends Elise had won the first and if we would have finished the 2nd game would have won the second. I was pretty fun.



Metaphor Writing


Lyndsey Leegwater

Mrs. Roskamp

8B, LA #12


Metaphor Writing

I am an Ocean

I am an Ocean. The Sea Storms is one part of why I think my life is an Ocean. In my life sometimes there is rough seas and I can’t see the horizon and the light and the goodness of my life. There are times when I feel I am going through a storm and nothing is going right and everything is fall apart. There are times when bad things happen in my life. My Grandma Deroo was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer before I can even remember. She had to go through chemo and she would get very sick. It was hard for me to see the good in this situation. I could see no light. The thunder was booming and the waves were rising. In the next couple years it went on some change, but not much. The storm was clearing. Then the lightning crashed and the rain came down and we had found out that my grandma’s cancer had spread. They said she may not live for very longer. More chemo, more sickness. Today she is still living well and is off of chemo at the moment. She has lived almost 10 years with her cancer. The storm cleared for now. The light has just peeked through.

In the Ocean there is lots of trouble. The fish in the Sea is a part of the Ocean I can relate to my life. In the ocean the fish always have to look out for the enemy or the predator.  They have to look out for the shark because he is ready to eat. Satan is out to tempt you and you need to trust in the God and not turn away from him into the devil’s schemes.  We need to look out for the temptations of Satan. The fish look out for the shark and we need to look out for our tempter Satan. He can tempt you to lots of things in your life that God would not want you to do. In my life I know that I have fallen short and have been tempted by Satan. I have sinned and Satan has  pulled me into that sin. There are times when I fall short of God and Satan can pull me into temptation. When I am frustrated or mad Satan can make me do things by tempting me. I know he tempts me when I know there is something that I shouldn’t be doing or I am not allowed and I do it anyways. I need to look out because all around are Satan’s temptations.

Colors of the Ocean reminds me that that we are all unique in different ways. In many ways, from each other, everyone is different.  If you look around in your life you can see that no one looks alike. It is pretty obvious. All of us are made in different ways to like different things and have different personalities. We are made by God and no one of us is the same. We need to know to not be acting like others because they are already taken, they are already them, and you are you. Sometimes I feel that I try to do this. I try to act different than I am. I know that I like things than other people. I like sports, and animals, and I like to sing, and I like music. I know that not everyone likes the same things I do, but sometimes I try to act like they do or try to act like I know things that other people like. I need to now we are all different colors in the ocean. We are all different in many, many ways.

My life is like sea creatures in the big, blue ocean. Sea creatures need the water to survive and live. I know I need God to live. There is no way sea creatures can live without water. Fish can not live in the desert. Whales can not live in the city. They have to live in the water. They can not live without water.  Just like we need God to survive. We can not live without God. It is impossible. It is like a fish out of water. We can not survive. I know I can not survive without him. He created me and the earth I live on. If he was not there I would not even be alive. He created me. He creates my future and I know I need to trust in him, in all that I do. He knows whatever I do. He can see everything. There is nothing he can’t do. I can not live without him.



Jesus’ Crucifixion Thoughts


In class we have been learning and looking at the last seven words of Jesus.

– Father Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.

– I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.

– Dear women, here is your son.

– My God, My God why have you forsaken me.

– I am thirsty.

– It is Finished

– Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.

I think that these words on the cross help us understand the life of Jesus. It tells us through these words of what Jesus wanted us to do. I think it is cool to see that Jesus even in his last breaths is teaching us how to live just as he had done before the cross.




Tell whether 6/10 and 5/8 are proportionalBlankThis is how you do this problem

5 times 10 and 6 times 8 just start out with that.   5 times 10 equal 50 and 6 times 8 equals 48.

50 = 48 this is not a proportional because 50 and 48 do not equal then you would write it 50 with the equals sign with a dash through it and then 48 because they are not proportional.


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