Immigration Day

Ms. Cabral – She was born in the United States and moved to Mexico when she was one year old. She grew up in Mexico and went to a private Christian school. There were 3 other boys in her class and it was a very strict relationship with the teachers and classmates. When she moved here she came for collage because her parents wanted her to go to a good collage. She said it was way different because the respect level was lower in classes and there weren’t many Christians. There were a lot of Catholic churches made with gold and a lot of old pyramids. Some of the changes she went through were how you greeted someone. In Mexico they greeted people with a kiss, it was impolite if you would wave to someone. A lot of people in America think Mexico is like a desert with donkeys and camels but really it is big cities and lots of houses and churches. A popular sport there is soccer.

Mr. Drost – He was born in the Netherlands and his family decided to move to Canada. He came to America for collage and his family moved back to the Netherlands and he meet his wife so he decided to stay here. It was different because there you didn’t need insurance if you got hurt, you just went to the doctor. Here you need health care insurance. The winters were similar to here, stormy and cold. It is pretty similar to here but it is a little more plain. The food there isn’t as spicy as it is here. A popular sport there is Hockey and hunting and fishing.

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