
          In math I learned about rational numbers. I learned how to divide and multiply rational numbers. I also learned how to divide and multiply fractions with unlike denominators and how to make them have the same denominators. In life I can use math to figure out formulas or in cooking. I might need to know how to divide things into groups and I won’t always have a calculator or a math teacher. Math can be very handy sometimes but it can also be hard at times.

Theme Writing

They have no speech they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voices go into all the Earth, their words into all the world.

When we were in 7th grade we went to leadership camp and chose the theme verse for our 8th grade 2014-2015 year. We chose the theme Shout Silently, actions that speak. It means that your actions should be shouting out God’s name. Like being kind or helping out a friend. It’s doing something that shouts silently. As an 8th grader I can use this theme to shout silently to others.

As an 8th grader I can use these examples to shout silently in 8th grade. I can be a good example to the younger students by acting mature so they know how to act. I can be a leader to our school since we are in 8th grade and we are the oldest in the school, we are examples. The younger kids look up to us and if we act a certain way they will probably follow our actions. I can be a friend to people who look lonely or don’t have friends. I think that if I didn’t have friends I would like someone to be a friend to me and include me.

As a Christian I can use these examples to shout silently in the world. I can help out my parents without them asking. Something small like that can make the littlest difference. Since our family is adopting when we go to Ethiopia then I can help out the orphans and comfort them. A nice thing to do is give 10% of your money to church. Not only is it a nice thing to do but it makes you feel good. I can help out anyone I see in the streets or at the store. Whether they need help carrying something or just someone to talk to.

As an 8th grader I can shout silently to others in Zeeland Christian and the world. It can make an impact on so many people and it also makes you feel good inside when you put others first.