Using Math in Life

I can use the adding and subtracting unlike denominators method in life when I measure something and have to subtract an unlike denominator in a fraction.


Georgia needs 4¾ feet of ribbon to decorate her tree. If the package of ribbon only comes with 8½ feet of ribbon on it how much ribbon will be left over?

Figuring it out:

8½ – 4¾ = 3¾

Metaphor Writing

My life is like a plateau because something good will happen and everything will go up, things are moving along with me. An example of this is when we found out we were adopting we were going up the side of the plateau. They told us we wouldn’t have to wait for more than a year for our baby. Another example of my life being like a plateau is when my grandpa got married. His life was going up the plateau and he was a lot more happy with her.

Once we got up to the top we were moving very slowly, waiting for our referral, it has almost been 2 years. It is hard and not very exciting because everything stays at the same level. Nothing shocking or exciting really happens. After the marriage at the top we got to see them a lot and visit every week. We even got to walk to their house after school sometimes.

Along the way of our process we stubble a little on the rocks and it is hard to keep trusting God through this because the process is taking so long. All of a sudden a year later my grandpa got sick with cancer. It was really hard and we were stumbling constantly. God had a plan for our family and I am still trying to figure why that happened.

When our adoption process comes to the other end we will go back down the other side of the plateau back to our normal life. And we will just keep going on until we reach the next plateau of adventure. At the end of the plateau my grandpa ended up passing away and his new wife, that he had only been married to for a year, was left alone. She moved back to her old house and we never get to see her anymore.

Bowling Reflection

I thought it was fun that the teachers let us go bowling with the grade because it was something different then normal school. I got a couple strikes and some spares. Im not a very good bowler but its ok because it was fun! I surprisingly I won the first game. We didn’t have enough time to finish the second game, we had one more round. I wasn’t winning in that one. We did fun things instead of the normal bowling. Like making a tunnel with our legs and letting the people bowl through them. I did a back bend and let Haley bowl under me.  But over all I had a fun time with my friends and I would totally do it again!


Math Problem

Question: Hayden is going door to door around her cul-de-sac to sell cookies for a fundraiser. It takes 8 minutes for her to go to a house and sell the cookies to her neighbors. If there are 5 houses on the block how long will it take for Hayden to go to all the houses in all? Use a table to figure out the equation. 

X=Houses      Y=Minutes

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Answer: It will take Hayden a total of 40 minutes. Every house she adds 8 minutes onto her time fundraising. If there are 5 houses and 8 minutes at each house that equals 40 minutes of fundraising.