
          In math I learned about rational numbers. I learned how to divide and multiply rational numbers. I also learned how to divide and multiply fractions with unlike denominators and how to make them have the same denominators. In life I can use math to figure out formulas or in cooking. I might need to know how to divide things into groups and I won’t always have a calculator or a math teacher. Math can be very handy sometimes but it can also be hard at times.

Theme Writing

They have no speech they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voices go into all the Earth, their words into all the world.

When we were in 7th grade we went to leadership camp and chose the theme verse for our 8th grade 2014-2015 year. We chose the theme Shout Silently, actions that speak. It means that your actions should be shouting out God’s name. Like being kind or helping out a friend. It’s doing something that shouts silently. As an 8th grader I can use this theme to shout silently to others.

As an 8th grader I can use these examples to shout silently in 8th grade. I can be a good example to the younger students by acting mature so they know how to act. I can be a leader to our school since we are in 8th grade and we are the oldest in the school, we are examples. The younger kids look up to us and if we act a certain way they will probably follow our actions. I can be a friend to people who look lonely or don’t have friends. I think that if I didn’t have friends I would like someone to be a friend to me and include me.

As a Christian I can use these examples to shout silently in the world. I can help out my parents without them asking. Something small like that can make the littlest difference. Since our family is adopting when we go to Ethiopia then I can help out the orphans and comfort them. A nice thing to do is give 10% of your money to church. Not only is it a nice thing to do but it makes you feel good. I can help out anyone I see in the streets or at the store. Whether they need help carrying something or just someone to talk to.

As an 8th grader I can shout silently to others in Zeeland Christian and the world. It can make an impact on so many people and it also makes you feel good inside when you put others first. 

The Lord’s Prayer

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

This line in the Lord’s prayer is important to me because…

It asks God to forgive our sins. It is a good thing to ask him daily because we sin so much. It also says forgive those who sin against us. We should ask God to clean our enemies hearts because it is good to love your enemies. And asking to forgive them is good so they will be clean from all sin. All the words in the Lord’s prayer are good because they all have their own importance. This is just one of them.

Africa Entry Event

On Thursday and Friday we learned a little more about Africa then we really think we know.

On Thursday we had to write what thought of when we heard the word Africa. Then Mr. M put a chart on the board that showed the most used words that we used. One of the largest used words was poor. Sometimes we give people the label of poor because of what we most know about the country. We hear people are adopting there and we need to donate to people there because there are people in need. But really Africa is a cool place and most people there aren’t poor, only certain areas there are. We also think it is mostly desert but it’s not, again only certain areas are. Sometimes we need to be carful what we label places.

On Friday we got to see how many people had good houses, were Christians, had running water, had cell phones, and more things. Not a lot of people had phones, houses and a religion but still there was a good amount of wealthy people.

7A Camp Reflection 2014

Who am I? God created me for  purpose, I am here for a reason. If I believe in him I will be his child. He sent his son for me so that I would be forgiven. I don’t deserve to love God, I am a sinner and I am not good enough. But He loves me and He is an example of how I need to love others even though we might not be the same. God has been graceful and he choose if He wanted to love us. He did, he loves us that much. He is my friend and I will always love him and he will always love me. God will protect me from all evil. I am a Christian.


Who are we? Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you want people to be nice to you, care for you, and help you in your struggles then you should do that for others. I think our grade does a good job of that. We help each other out and pray for one another in a time of need. I can see God through my classmates. We are examples of Christ.

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Who is He? God is… myeverything. I don’t even have the words to explain how amazing and awesome and powerful he is. He has done so much in my life and I could never thank him enough. I don’t even deserve all of this but God loves me so much, he would do anything to keep me safe in his hands. God provides for me and he saved me. Anytime I need him all I have to do is call out his name. God is my all, and God is my savior. imgres-1

Density Lab

In Science class we are learning about density, here is a question we had to investigate.

Explain what you did in the density lab and explain why the property of density determines whether an object will sink or float.  Also explain how can an two objects of the same size have different densities.

A density that has a higher rate then water will float but if it is lower than it will sink. Water’s density is 1 g/ml. Here is an example of what this would be like. You have one plastic cube that sinks in water and one wooden cube that floats in water. The two cubes look the same and are the same size. The plastic cube has a lower density than water that’s why it sinks. The wooden cube has more density than water so it will float. They are the same size but they have a different density.

One more example is ice cubes. When you put the ice cubes in the water they will float because they are less dense than water.

Picture Book Reflection

In Language arts class we wrote our own children’s books. We went through a whole process of research, brainstorm, rough draft, edit, final draft, forming our book, then we finally got to share them with 2nd graders. I think the kids liked my book, they said they liked the picture and when we had them grade it and I got mostly A’s and a few B’s. If I could go back  and change something that I did I would have taken more time on my pictures because they all looked good at the beginning then they slowly started going down hill. I was pretty proud of my book and was happy with the end product.