The Stoning or Stephen

When Moses was leading the Israelites through the wilderness for 40 years they built a golden calf and worshiped it. Moses was angry. Stephen stood out and started talking about his beliefs. He said he saw The Lord opening up the Heavens. When he spoke of this the people got angry and stoned him to death.

Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit leads us so that we can believe in God. It entered you when you asked God into your heart. It guides us so we don’t do wrong. The Holy Spirit is part of the trinity. One of the 3 in 1. The Holy spirit can only work if it is untied with the Lord and his son. It gives you hope and wisdom, joy and peace, love and kindness. You are a child of God and you are filled with the Holy Spirit. It is a gift from God so don’t take it for granted. The Holy Spirit reminds you of what God has said and to stay away from evil and repent.


Holy Spirit in My Life

When I asked God to come in my heart he allowed the Holy Spirit to come and find peace in me. The Holy Spirit helps keep me away from evil and all the wrong things in the world. It tells me what is right and what is wrong. It helps keep me away from temptation and guides me through to the right path. When the Holy Spirit came into me it gave me peace, wisdom, faithfulness, kindness, patience and many more things. I think that if we didn’t have the Holy Spirit watching over us we would all be in trouble because the Holy Spirit keeps us away from so many wrong things.