The Underground Railroad:Tell The Story

Hi,My name is Elsa,I was born a slave.When I was a baby  they shipped me of to  be a slave.But my mother begged them not to ship me of but it was to late,they had already shipped me of with the rest of the kids and babys I was on my way to be a slave.When I grew to be 10 years old I knew that I was born a slave,but i knew that I was not gonna die a slave…so Every night I plan my escape plan we called it The Underground Railroad.My job was to be a house made, along with the rest of the girls.Are master was Master ,he could not even go and get his own water even when he was three feet away from the sink.All of the slaves slept inside of a small cabin with matreses and sleeping bags for the beds,we had an out house for our bathroom.We had no privase what so ever.When ever it would rain outside at the plantation Master John would alewasse make the girls come into the Big House he called it when all the men would have to stay outside and work all night,One time it rained for a hole month the girls actually got treated well like,like royalty and the men were still treated lick slaves.When I turned 24 years old Master John Treated me lick I was a QUEEN.It is five days after my birthday and I just ran away about five mile(Or at the least what i know)And i found a river then I heard something sharp kind of like like LIKE A DOG!…So I ran into the river to cover up my smell,then it was cuiet.So I covered myself in leves for a blanket.When  I wolk up I saw a black man 20 paces away from me,I stood up and started to run,the man was cuiet until a heard a voice that sed STOP! IF YOU WANT TO LIVE FOLLOW ME!then I herd him sigh I HAVE A BOAT A HEARD THE MAN SAY!so I turned around and said-You will help me escape this plantation?-he said yes so we hoped in the boat. I had to trust the man,then I heard the dogs bark,I alwase been scared of dogs so when we were almost across the river thoat started to move back and forth and it stoped moving so I loked back at the man and he was gone.So i had to get myself across so i started to patal.Wonce i got across the lake it was probably an hour,then i heard a splash so i loked up and i saw the man so then i got into the boat and then i heard him say DONT COME I HAVE ANOTHER BOAT OVER ON THIS SIDE,JUST WAIT FOR ME THERE!So I waited about an hour and then we started to walk we walked for about five seconds.Then I heard Mastor John and he said WY ARE U DOING THIS I GAVE U EVERYTHING!Then i responded -U GAVE ME NOTHING!-Then I kept walking and then he sent the dogs across the river so then me and the man we started tu run as fast as possible and the dogs went back because they lost our sent.So thenarted to say when we got to the man’s house he gave me the best meel ever sadly enough i say I should probably go but the man stoped me,and so he said that he would give a ride on his privete train.Once we got to the city i thanked him and he went of in the wind.So I started to walk thru town not knowing who to trust and who not to trust.So wen it was done a midle age woman invited me in,she let me stay there for the night.Then in the morning she told me what train i should get on,if I wanted to go to Zeelan Michigan,so she and her four children led me to the train station,I waited for about a half an hour til the train came.Once I was on the train all the people were staring at me the hole ride,but I dint mind.When we got of the train we were in Detroit(At the exat same spot were the Tigers stadiam is now)I had to walk about five more miles to get to the train station.When I got there I had to rush myself throwout the croud of people.When I was on the train people started to talk about something like it would take an hour and a half,so then I sed to myself time toi get cumfturbell.Then sudenlly a man sat right next to me and he said HI MY NAME IS RYCHARD!so then I relised that he was the black man who fell into the river.So me and Rychard started to talk,we talked the hole way there.Once we arrivedRychard said to me Welcome to Zeeland Michigan.THE END!

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