October 2022 archive

Newsletter 9: Week ending 10/28

Reflections on our week…

Dear Families,

The highlight this week was Grandparent’s Day on Friday! All morning in our room there was a beautiful hum of conversation being shared and memories being made with lots of giggles sprinkled in. 1st graders and their special guests did a gummy bear investigation, read books together, played and experienced a taste of 1st grade life.  It was such a joy to watch your parents (and siblings in some cases!) interact with your children. God’s faithfulness through generations is so clear on Grandparent’s Day which makes it one of my favorite school days. I hope you too had a great week!

Enjoy your weekend,


Important links:

WAAG The WAAG (Week-at-a-Glance) is your one-stop shop for what your child is learning and is updated each week with the big ideas we’ll be covering in each content area.

Hot Lunch Menu: November hot lunch menu

Important Dates:

November 3: Legacy Event – 6:00-9:00 p.m.
November 10: School Picture Retakes
November 11: No School – Teacher Professional Development
November 22: All School Chapel – 9:30 a.m. (Family groups before chapel)
November 23-25: Thanksgiving Vacation – No School
November 28-29: Hearing/Vision Rescreening

Reminders & Announcements:

Take-home books: It sounds like many kids enjoyed reading their books over the weekend! If you forgot or ran out of time, the same books plus a couple new ones went home with those who had their bag at school. Please try to remember to return these bags on the first school day of every week.

AALPA: The add.a.lingua language proficiency assessment (AALPA) is a helpful tool for teachers to monitor students’ language growth over time. There are 3 sections: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. I describe the AALPA to the kids as a fun project we do so I can see what they know and what they’re ready to learn next. We began the AALPA last week and I’m so proud of how hard the kids are working! They are focused on trying their best and I’m proud of them for trying something new! Even though it’s hard, they are persevering. I’m doing my best to make extra moments of fun and relaxation in our classroom since the time we focus on AALPA is hard work!

Snapshots from our week: 

Maestra Solis & Maestra Izenbaard’s Teaching Schedule: 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Solis Maestra Izenbaard
Maestra Solis Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Solis Maestra Solis Maestra Solis

Newsletter 8: Week ending 10/14

Reflections on our week…

Dear Families,

What a full and exciting week! One highlight of the week was before our all-school chapel when we met with our family groups for the first time this school year. Each 1st grader is placed in a small group of students 1st-8th grade. It is a beautiful opportunity to create friendships across the grade levels. In our family groups we talked about our theme verse and the promise that we are safe in God’s hands.

Another highlight of the week was yesterday evening when Maestra Solis and I had the opportunity to meet with many of you for our conference. I love this intentional time of connection, celebrating your child, and praying together for your child. Thank you to the families who came last night! We’re looking forward to meeting with more of you Monday!

Have a great weekend,


Important links:

WAAG The WAAG (Week-at-a-Glance) is your one-stop shop for what your child is learning and is updated each week with the big ideas we’ll be covering in each content area.

Hot Lunch Menu: OctoberZCS22

Important Dates:

October 13 & 17- Parent/Teacher Conferences (Y5-8) – Evening – School in session
October 19-21- No School – Teacher Professional Development
October 28- End of 1st Marking Period
October 28- Grandparents’ Day – ½ day of school for teacher grading
October 28- Grandparents’ Day Chapel

Reminders & Announcements:

Maestra Izenbaard’s Maternity Leave: The Izenbaard family is due for another baby on November 13. If this baby comes anything like his or her sister did, (very fashionably late,) we’ll be happy to have a baby before Thanksgiving. 🙂 Maestra Solis will be moving to full time and will be the long term sub for Maestra Izenbaard! We’re thankful for the way God has orchestrated this!

Grandparents Day: Please use this form to indicate how your child will be leaving school on Grandparents Day, Friday, October 28th.  You should fill this form out for EACH of your children SEPARATELY using the grade-specific form sent by each child’s classroom/homeroom teacher. If you click the link you will find the form for your only your 1st grader. 

Elementary Plan: Bus transportation TO school IS the normal schedule and available. Bus transportation FROM school Is the normal 1/2 day schedule and available. (11:40 am pick up at school.)  Students may be dismissed with grandparents at 11:10 am. Students may be picked up by parents using the regular car pick up line at 11:40 am. (Parents who have middle schoolers, please follow the plan that teacher gives you for your older child(ren) as it’s a bit different than elementary.)

If your child will not have a special friend of grandparent visiting that day, please let us know! We’ll make sure they feel included.

SignUp Genius: There are a few new opportunities to serve on our SignUp Genius. Now that we’re settling into fall routines, if you find you have some extra time, or if you’re at the store and think to throw something for our class into your cart, please click here to view our current classroom needs and requests. Thank you!

SeeSaw: This week in technology class the kids added another fun glimpse into their school day and all they’re learning! If you haven’t tried to log on to your child’s journal using the Class SeeSaw app, please try to do so soon! A code specific to your child’s journal was sent home at our parent meeting in early September. Let us know if there are any problems or if you need a new code please!

RazKids: This week we opened another choice in 5 Diarios- listen to reading! Each child has their own individualized library of books in Spanish that they can read, listen to, and take a comprehension quiz on. RazKids is a free app from Learning A-Z. To access it from home please use my username mizenbaard1 and look for your child’s name. They will know their image password. RazKids is a great way to support your child as a reader!

Take-home books: Another great way to support your child’s reading development is by creating time and space for them to read their take-home books with you. During the week we work hard in small groups on reading accurately and fluently with expression as well as various comprehension strategies. Each student will have books to take home beginning Tuesday, October 18! The books need to come back on the first day of each school week.

AALPA: The add.a.lingua language proficiency assessment (AALPA) is a helpful tool for teachers to monitor students’ language growth over time. There are 3 sections: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. I describe the AALPA to the kids as a fun project we do so I can see what they know and what they’re ready to learn next. We’ll begin the AALPA on Monday, October 17 and spend at least 2 weeks on it. You may notice

Maestra Solis & Maestra Izenbaard’s Teaching Schedule: 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Solis Maestra Izenbaard
Maestra Solis Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Solis Maestra Solis Maestra Solis

Newsletter 7: Week ending 10/7

Reflections on our week…

Dear Families,

We’re wrapping up another great week in 1 I/S! This week’s excitement came Friday when students had the opportunity to cash in their hard-earned billetes at our classroom store. They’ve been working so hard to earn billetes by speaking only Spanish and it was fun to see their hard work pay off in this tangible way!

Have a great weekend,


Important links:

WAAG The WAAG (Week-at-a-Glance) is your one-stop shop for what your child is learning and is updated each week with the big ideas we’ll be covering in each content area.

Hot Lunch Menu: OctoberZCS22

Important Dates:

October 8- Pumpkin Parade – 7th-8th Grade Bands; Preschool Floats
October 12- Family Groups – 9:00
October 12- All School Chapel – 9:30 a.m.
October 13- School Board Coffee Connection – Parents Invited to stop and chat with Board members; 8:45-10:15 a.m Office Conference Room
October 13 & 17- Parent/Teacher Conferences (Y5-8) – Evening – School in session
October 19-21- No School – Teacher Professional Development
October 28- End of 1st Marking Period
October 28- Grandparents’ Day – ½ day of school for teacher grading
October 28- Grandparents’ Day Chapel

Reminders & Announcements:

SignUp Genius: There are a few new opportunities to serve on our SignUp Genius. Now that we’re settling into fall routines, if you find you have some extra time, or if you’re at the store and think to throw something for our class into your cart, please click here to view our current classroom needs and requests. Thank you!

PT Conferences: We’re looking forward to this valuable time to connect with you and celebrate your child! Please see the email that was sent last week and be sure to sign up for a time slot! The sign up system will open Monday, October 3 at 9:00 a.m. until October 10 at 10 p.m. Please also fill out this Google Form to help us prepare to make the best use possible of our time together. Your questions and concerns are important!

SeeSaw: This week in technology class the kids added another fun glimpse into their school day and all they’re learning! If you haven’t tried to log on to your child’s journal using the Class SeeSaw app, please try to do so soon! A code specific to your child’s journal was sent home at our parent meeting in early September. Let us know if there are any problems or if you need a new code please!

Maestra Solis & Maestra Izenbaard’s Teaching Schedule: 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Solis Maestra Izenbaard
Maestra Solis Maestra Izenbaard Maestra Solis Maestra Solis Maestra Solis