

Metaphor poem

My family is a marker

My dad is the tip of the marker,

he is always making funny jokes and putting color into peoples life.

My mom is the outside of the marker,

she always makes our family stick together and making peoples life complete.

My sister is the cover to the marker,

she is always putting the finishing touches on our life.

I am the vibrant color,

I am always loud and caring for people and I am always spreading my color on to other people and wish to do it more.




Makes time fly

Chocolate lover 101


Keeps everyone happy

Enjoys life

Noisy most of the time

Number 1 christian

Always trying new things




What did you learn about probability?

I learned everything about Probability. I had no clue what it was at the beginning but Mr. Minkus helped me though it and thought me. I learned that there are many different kinds of probability charts. They are not alway about money they can be about students or other things too.

Eroupian union

Yesterday when we had to go around to different countries but each time we entered into each county you had to stand in this very long line then you showed them your passport and if you wanted to buy anything you would have to exchange money. Today we got to enter each county not having to show them our passport and not have to exchange money. You had to exchange money if you went to Poland or United Kingdom. Most people evaded them because they didn’t want to wait in line. It was a lot more easy today instead of yesterday. It was a lot easier to go to different counties.

Amazon land use

The Environmentalist they go to the rain forest because they have to they can’t just go somewhere else and do there job. The loggers are doing there job right where the Environmentalist are and the loggers could go somewhere else. The Environmentalist can’ t to do there job if the loggers are there. The Environmentalist aren’t doing anything bad to the Amazon Rainforest the are looking for something new and they are not trying to harm the forest they are trying to get new things.

The loggers should go somewhere else and the cattiest should follow them because it seems where ever the loggers go the cattiest go. The tappers didn’t come up in our debate so they are being little angels. The Environmentalist don’t do any harm in the area and just studying it. The loggers should be kicked out of the Amazonion rainforest.




Names #1


Doubt conflict



Salute to the king:

salute to a king



Symbol of a lamp:

Sybol of a Lamb

Something rotten:

somthing rotten

A savoir:





Immigration Day

 McKenna Schafer

Immigration Day

                Yesterday was immigration day we talked to people about how they immigrated to America. We invited people to come talk to us about there experience. My group talked to Fifi, she was one of the students that immigrated to go to Hope Collage. She said in Germany the schooling was very different she would just sit there and take notes, when she got to America she though it would be the same way, but when she went to her first class she was all prepared to take note but then she found out that the teacher was going to have them do stuff and interact with people. The other person I had was Maestra Zuri Suero. Fersi said this on microphone time, but on her first day at ZCS she walk into Mr. VanDyk’s office and was talking to him before she started teaching. Before she walked out of his office he said Break a leg. She had no clue what that meant, she was clue less.                                                                                               I think it is importent to know about other countries. I’ve always had a soft heart even though it might not seem like it I do. Learning about different countries. I wish I learned about these countries earlier in my life because the proses to get to america is so hard. People want to come to america and they are willing to do anything to America. People all over the world should learn about this stuff not just our school.                                                                              I’ve always though countries were very poor, but in the last 2 months I’ve had a little change in that thought I mean there is still people that our poor but for three kids from Guatemala. It is not cheap to come to America. I want to go to the places and experience them and I want to hear more stories from people. I love hearing stories and I wish I could hear more stories.

Picture Book Advice


1:Do keep the text under 500 words if possible. Minimise description. The fewer words the better, the picture will provide many of the visual details un the story. A picture book is always thirty-two pages.

2:Do write with narrative ten-ion solve a problem

3:Do not be surprised to find yourself working on a picture book text for a couple of years and do not give up too soon, Also do not lose heart after rejection: be resilient and tenacious!

4:Do not forget that the rhythm of the text is the elements that will, or will not bring the reader back to the story again and again


5:You can tell readers a lot about a character by the name you choose.

6: Picture books are meant to read aloud, so your story has to sound good.

7:Before I begin my second draft, I write down everything I know about my character


8:Avoid stories with a message or a moral.

9:All editors will tell you they hate inanimate objects that come to life.

10:The best rule on writing on any genre is that are no rigid rulers


What I had a problem with was timing fractions. I would always forget to flip the 2 fraction and sometimes I would multiply wrong. Mrs. Zastrow was very kind and helped me with that.She would walk me through the problem.

In a real life you could change the decimo into a fraction or in math in collage.

Persecution Exhibits

I founds out that there is a lot of persecution going on in the world. I didn’t know that there was that many people getting killed just for a belief. Just because you fallow the one true God doesn’t mean that you needed to be killed. One of my questions were Why is God having this happen?

Reading Response

This is one of my favorite and I think best reading Response of the year:

Kisses From Katie

I started Kisses From Katie  and it is about a 22 year girl names Katie and she goes to Uganda and she falls in love with the people and the culture there. After she goes back home she wants to go back but she doesn’t want to leave her family. Her dad comes with her and he stayed there for a week and at the end of the week she decided to stay but her dad really wanted to go home he said that he couldn’t stand it any longer. She has 13 kids and she loves living Uganda. In the book she tells stories one of her stories is she bring twins home from school and she was talking to there mom/grandma and Katie asked why she was the “mom” she said that the mom wasn’t having enough money to feed her family so she ran away and the grandma didn’t want to leave her grandkids alone and just go to an orphanage so she lived with them and she just has enough money to have the girls go to school and enough money for food.

One really good example was when she was describing what the kids were like this what she said “After I woke up the next morning of my stay, I looked around and saw glistening bright white smiles against ebony faces; I heard happy voices, lilting language, and gentle laughter.” Another example is when she describes how much they don’t have like on the first day of school“for example, I remember many years of the first day of school. As i entered each new grade, my parents bought me a brand-new “back- to – school” outfit and when I started teaching there was no new back to school new outfit.”

I would totally recommend this book. Hailey Freriks is reading this book too and she loves it but there is only one difference that there family is adopting and we aren’t but I want to so badly since reading this book but of course my family sees “NO!”  The author doesn’t really want me to keep reading the book just the Katie keeps me interested in the book just what she does and loving each and every one of the children and  that she trusted God and she loved him. What I would change about the book is do her life in order like what made her want to go to Uganda and her first trip. At first it started out as her at Uganda and it was okay but i would have wanted it to be from the first trip and why she wanted to go that just my opinion though.

Egypt Project 2014

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In 6th grade we had to do 2 characteristics about Egypt. We were assigned one and got to choose another one. We got Stable Food Supply and we choose Religion. The people in my group are Sadie, Jacob, Haylie. For Stable food supply we learned that in Ancient days they used the nile river a lot to grow there food, they would grow all there grain in there. With out the Nile river back them they would have never lived. Now day for Stable food Supply they still use the Nile river for water and they grow a lot of there grains. Our other characteristic is Religion in ancient Egypt they worshiped many different Gods back then but now the mane God are Muslims and Catholic but there is a little bite of christian there too!