God’s Preperation

I feel like God has prepared me in many different ways but one of them is something that happened about 2 weeks ago. I got the chance to go to the Philippines. It was the most amazing experience I’ve ever had. The kids…. they were beyond you could ever think of. So happy and grateful. The country is so pretty but it was hard to see where the people lived and what the kids go home to and live in in the summer. I feel like God has been preparing me for either mission work or to do something with kids around the world. When I got home from the Philippines it was hard telling people about what had happened there and what I had seen but I kept hearing the word Guatemala. At first I was thinking that it would be cool to go there for like a week or to but then I kept hearing it over and over. I feel like God is going to call me to Guatemala whatever that may mean. Like living there or working at an orphanage or planting an orphanage. I would love to work there or live there for a summer but I will just have to wait. I don’t know, I have to trust God which for me is really hard. I’ve struggled with that. But I know that god will work in my life in so many different ways and I will have to wait and see.  But God is going to do so much in my life and I can’t wait to see how he will change me and be broken in so many different ways.

Ideal Church VS. Early Church

In the last week in Bible my class has been talking about what we wish our church would look like and what the early church wanted. They were very different from each other but both churches wanted to worship the same God.

I think it’s very interesting how wha we want is things but what they wanted was each other and I think we should try to want each other and not things.


Thoughts about Jesus Crucification

Trust in God. God maybe didn’t want to die on the cross and maybe he did. But through this lesson I learned that God has everything in control. Like the little kid song said he has the whole world in his hands. I have to let go of my life and give it to God.

He taught me that each thing he said when he was dying had amazing meaning and it shows that Jesus was fully human and fully God.


God sighting

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to Hope College and worship with the Worship team. It was the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I could tell that the Holy Spirit was in this place. The praise band was amazing. It was amazing music and the speaker was amazing.




Names #1


Doubt conflict



Salute to the king:

salute to a king



Symbol of a lamp:

Sybol of a Lamb

Something rotten:

somthing rotten

A savoir:





Persecution Exhibits

I founds out that there is a lot of persecution going on in the world. I didn’t know that there was that many people getting killed just for a belief. Just because you fallow the one true God doesn’t mean that you needed to be killed. One of my questions were Why is God having this happen?