Theme Verse

Maguire Wiersma

Mrs. Roskamp


3 September 2014

Theme Verse

They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.

Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.


Last year we went to leadership camp at Camp Rogers, and we went through the Bible looking for a good verse that would fit with our grade and that would fit our grade well and also fit the school well. We picked the verse Psalms 19:3-4 because we thought that we had a few good words that would go with the verse and it was shout silently.


What it means to be and 8th grader to me is that I can be looked up to and be considered the oldest kids in school. Also its mean to me that I should set a good example to the littler kids, in what they should do and what I have been taught and set that example to them. I could help people if they have problems with their computer if they don’t know where to go. Talk to the younger kids and include them in games or things that they want to play if they are left out. Help other people with their homework if they need help. If someone drops something in the halls or anywhere else in the school I can help them pick it up.


What it means to be a christian to me is that in order to go to heaven is that I have to accept Jesus into my heart and do follow in his foot step and act as Jesus would act to people. To teach people to play soccer if they don’t know how to play soccer. Go to bed without my parents asking telling me too. Help my little brother with his homework if he needs help with it. Set the table if it needs to be set without my parents telling me to set the table. What it means to me to be a Christian is that I always remember that Jesus died on the cross to save our sins. That I should always do things in the way Jesus would do it and not the way I want to do it. To always be a believer in Christ because he died for my sins.


We picked the verse Psalms 19:3-4 because we thought that we had a good few words that would go with the verse and it was shout silently. My thoughts on this verse are that I should go out and I could do soccer or something and show the works of God through soccer like setting a good example and not getting mad when the referee calls something bad. That I could go out and show God through my actions that shout silently. 

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