
Theme Writing

Filed Under (Uncategorized) by on October 7, 2014


Theme Writing

They have no speech they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 

               Yet there voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world.

Psalms 19:3-4

Last May we went to Camp Roger where we picked the theme for this school year. We made the theme by splitting up into four initial groups.  We first individually created different themes in those groups, then we came up with one theme that our group would present to the whole grade. Each group came back to the lodge where we all got together and we all put the ideas we had on a board. Each team explained their idea.  We then voted our four themes down to two.   Then we took time to think and pray before voting on the final theme. We chose Psalm 19:3-4, with the theme,  “Shout Silently… Actions That Speak”.  I can use my actions at school and when I am out in the world to shout silently for the Lord.

          What does it mean to be a 8th grader at Zeeland Christian School? Being a 8th grader at Zeeland Christian means that I have more responsibility than I had in the lower grades. Our class needs to demonstrate how to be kind and be respectful to others. We need to be examples to the younger grades with how to act in school as we interact with them. When we walk down the hall we need to say, “hi”, even if you don’t know that person’s name. If you do know their name, we need to call them by their name. We need to love and respect others that are not in our “friend group”. We need to set a good example for the kids that will be in 8th grade at Zeeland Christian next year.

Being a Christian means that we need to “Shout Silently” every where we are.  There are many ways that I can “Shout Silently” in my life.  I can shout silently by sending more notes and emails to kids in the Philippines. I can clean our house with out complaining. I can hang out with people that some times I wouldn’t want to be seen around. I can respect people not only when we are in public but also at home and in my thoughts. I need to show God through every thing I do. The things that I listed are just little things I can do. I can do so much more to show God to the world.

I can use my actions at school and when I am out in the world to “Shout Silently” for the Lord. These are some of the ways I can “Shout Silently” this year. I need to show others God love through me. This is my challenge for myself this year.

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