
aliteration poem


This is SydneySalamander,

It lives in SydneyScabalong Sydney,

A SydneySalamander eats spinach,spiders and sewage,

It likes sluping,sitting,stretching,and sweating,

It stands up and says scabalongdingdong.

Then SydneySalamander slowly started to slither away.










Joy is a neon pink as a pink poodle,

It sound like people laughing,

It tastes like a garden salad,

And smells like really good perfume,

Joy looks like someone smiling,

It makes you feel happy







Take 5 poem





laughing,loud, obnoxious


telling secrets










playful happy,silly


dreaming of dog bones










7B camp Reflection 2014

Who am I: I am a child of God and It says in in the Bible that we are each loved by God and we are all are a child of God.  My mom got Cancer when I was in third grade during that time I got closer to God.



Who are we: We are a ZCS community and we help one another and love one another when we have something going on in our lives. One time my mom got Breast cancer and my third grade teacher and classmates all surrounded us with prayers and love. I also like to make bracelets in my spare time because I love to make them to give the to the Philippines.




Who is He:He is God and during devotions I focus on how God created the whole universe and every living creature.Also he created each and one of us special and gave each one of us gifts and talents.



I think it was right to not do regular school because we got to reflect the time at camp and just spend some of our time with God and do devotions with Him.In the afternoon we got to bowl and just have some fun with friends.

Lesson one states of matter

Lesson 1: Matter, Matters


1.  What is Chemistry?

Chemistry is something that when you mix something that you make a concoksion


2. What is Matter?

Matter is something that makes up an object

solubility –

Lesson 2: Density


3.   States of Matter:



In a container…

Particle Movement


Insert Picture of phase changes below:

What is the formula for Density?

that when you put in a cork that measures how light or heavy it is.

Density Lab Blog Post:

1. Explain what you did in the density lab and explain why the property of density determines whether an object will sink or float.  Also explain how can an two objects of the same size have different densities.

When we started this unit we watched a video that introduced chemistry and density we started with mass then we moved on to density we put objects into the cylinder

Picture book reflection

For the picture book we all did a google drive and we surveyed lots of little kids of what our story is going to be about. I learned that some people have different opinions.When we did our draft we did it on our computer and some people printed out the planning gird and wrote it down with pencil.When i read my story to the little kids they all thought it was really good.When we finally were done with our rough draft we had to start to work away at it.Photo on 2-24-14 at 10.02 AM #3

Immigration Day

In Social Studies we are learning about Immigration and what pushed them form their country and what pulled them to the U.S.A. So today we heard Mrs.Hilerbrand’s story about what pushed them from Hong Kong to the U.S.A. She said that in Hong Kong they do Buddhism  and she said that it originated in India but they still do it in Hong Kong. Also she said that at Christmas time they Put lights every where in Hong Kong. I learned that it is important to listen to other peoples stories and I think it is good to talk about their culture and why they moved from that place.

Reflection on Romans 10:9-14

I think that it means to me that if you believe in God that you will be saved through him that if you spread the word to other people about Jesus that they will get to know him. Also God give what peoples needs are like it is saying there is no difference between a jew  and a Gentile like every one can believe in him.