Tag Archive | Devries

Water erosion Project

Photo on 5-14-15 at 2.00 PM

Here is our Water erosion 3D project. As you can see before It was a simple river and over time in the past years it started to have more water in the river and the water started to war away sand and dirt and made more river paths and made an oxbow lake and also the landscape changed overtime too. It made Menders and the beach grew more and it made some rills also it made deltas and the water fall changed a lot too.

Spagetti tower

Photo on 12-15-14 at 12.44 PM #2


Where working on Spagetti towers in Science class.On the first day we had to get prepared and write out our checks.On the second day we got our supplies.On the third day we got to building and our name is earthquake ex.On the fourth day we ran into some technical deff.And finally today were finally done and ready to present.