
Love Snow!

What I’ve learned

Filed under: Uncategorized — sdeyoung19 at 2:15 pm on Friday, March 22, 2013

Have you ever really thought about the story of David and Goliath? Have you really read it from the bible? Well, today as a class we did, we really studied it and what it meant, we read it and then the teacher asked us “what really happened here?” Someone in my class responded “A miracle.” Of course my teacher was expecting an answer something like this, so it lead her into the fact that it wasn’t really a miracle. It was actually just David using his skills to glorify God, I mean this wasn’t the first time he shot a sling shot or anything. David knew that he would be able to hit Goliath where he wanted to but the real miracle is that David had the guts to glorify his God in front of all these people that hated his God. Of course God gave him power, he gave him courage and he gave him the thought that he wanted to do this. I want to be like David.  Some of the skills that I have learned in this past few weeks working on our design projects are, Team work and collaboration. I learned how to be a good leader but also to step back and let others really do some leadership work also. I’ve been asking myself, how can i use leadership to glorify God? Well I can, try to make the project fun, keep the smile on my face, be joyful, then I might  lead my group into the same thing my group hopefully will smile there way through the hole project. I also learned how to present and use my voice better, to use my voice in the right way, to cheer others on, to  present like you really mean it, like you are sold on what you are going to say. I really think that this process has been a God thing it has lead me to mature and to do everything a little different. So today my challenge to you is to show your talents and abilities not to showoff yourself, but to showoff God.




April 9, 2013 @ 10:11 pm   Reply

Luv ya mom! 🙂

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