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Metaphor writing

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Sara DeYoung
8B Oct. 8, 2014

Metaphor Writing
I am a flood.

Rain drops are an essential part of a flood, it’s what makes something or somewhere flood in the first place. Sometimes I feel like rain drops are all the people around me. We are all focused on one thing and that’s to get to the earth, but then there’s the raindrops that end up in worse places than others. Some end up on the top of beautiful houses, others on shiny cars. We don’t always remember that there’s always rain drops that end up in the mud to, that end up dirty. They started so clean, but the instant that they drop into the mud they convert into something impure, something that is now not drinkable. This is a lot like my life because all christians are aiming for Heaven, but there’s also the people all around us that don’t even know that there’s a Heaven and they end up in a very dirty, unwanted place and we’re not doing enough to help. This also symbolises what our purpose on earth is, I have been a raindrop that ended on a beautiful shiny car by being placed in such an amazing family and being so blessed. I have so many things that other kids around the world will never be able to experience. One of the things that I think that I take granted of the most is going to a Christian school, because that’s all I’ve ever known. I have unfortunately also been a rain drop that ended in the mud because of things like death, my grandpa died of cancer and I never got to really know him that well. I could also be like a raindrop that ended up in a lake, because a lot of the people around me are very similar to me. My life has been mostly lived in a small bubble, of west Michigan, my school is christian, my family is christian, and my friends are christian. Everything around me is pointing to him, I have never been persecuted for my faith, or even tempted to leave my faith, and I never would want to. But I do think that it would be good to step completely out of my bubble to go and do something different for the glory of God. I’ve gone to different countries, and Different places but truly stepping out to me would be permanently making a change in my life. Where I live, my friends, and my family, changing everything just to experience something new.
I’m also like the sitting water. In houses, in backyards, in small confined areas bunched up all together. The water usually sits the same place for a long time. until it makes peoples possessions rotten, or smelly or destroyed. I felt this way when my life kind of crumbled for a couple weeks. My uncle, since he was born had issues with his heart, it just doesn’t quite work right. Just in the beginning of this year he went to a doctors appointment and they concluded that his heart wasn’t doing well, and that he would half to have surgery. At this same time my grandpa was having small strokes and he really wasn’t doing well. To top it all off everyone in my family just got back to the rhythm of school again that week and we had an exchange student that come to live with us so it was pretty much chaos in our house. My uncle had the surgery, it was a very scary time and we all prayed a lot during it because they didn’t know how it was going to go. At the same time my grandpa was also in the hospital and he was getting worse and worse every day. Until one day, he was feeling really good, his color was returning and the doctors released him to go to a nursing home they thought that it would be the most accommodating for his needs. My grandpa never wanted to go to a nursing home he actually despised nursing homes he said that he would actually rather die than ever half to live in a nursing home. If everybody had to take care of him every day it wasn’t worth him living anymore. So the night that they took him to the nursing home he died. This is like the water that sits because it was initially a huge shock to our family. We just had to move forward day after day Keep our heads up high. knowing that God has plans for us. There will always be some mold, and some marks where this happened in my life, we can rebuild as much as we want but there will always be some damage left behind. I always think about trying not to take myself back to that place of grieving, of that time, the beginning of my eighth grade year, when this all happened.
Flooding also creates rivers. depending on how traitorous the flood was, it can either create faster or slower moving rivers. That connects with my life because sometimes it feels like my life is moving way too quickly, there’s a really old saying that quotes “Time flies when you’re having fun.” and for me that’s the truth if everything in my life is going really well. And cool things are happening and everything is working out it feels like it’s going way too fast and I need to be on earth as long as I can to tell others about my life and also talk to them about their Lord and savior. But then there’s the slower moving rivers, when things are really boring. Or there’s also the times when I don’t feel like I’m having a lot of fun. And I’d rather be in heaven than on earth. But i know that God has put me here for a very special reason that he wants to fulfill. I will do anything in my power to accomplish what God wants me to do, and the task that he has put in front of me. Because in the end that’s the only reason why I’m alive. There would be no meaning to life if I didn’t believe in God. Faster flowing rivers also remind me of crashing, the sound of the white and blue water, forcefully smashing into an object. It makes me think of going to Costa Rica with school because going there was like totally realising how blessed I truly am, but also realising that I am blessed to be a blessing and that I need to go and shout silently to everyone that I possibly can so that they can have the peace and comfort that I do knowing that if Jesus is my Lord and Savior nothing can get to me. Also the way that the rivers can fit through tight areas. It shows us that even as our faith gets slim and faded. We are still going strong, we just need to try and keep our river moving forward.
When a flood comes, if it is caused by an ocean they usually stack sandbags to prevent it from spreading too fast. Glancing everywhere, everyone sees the sandbags getting ready to stop the storm, and the sandbags prepare to fight. The sandbags are related to my life because I am planted in Christ. I stand firm just like the sand bags and try as best as I can to keep the devil out. I am human though, sometimes he figures out a way to make an appearance in my life. Kind of like sometimes when the flood is super strong that sandbags can’t quite hold up and they let the water in. When that happens, the only reason why I’m forgiven is because God loves me so overwhelmingly much that he actually killed his own son for me. Not only did he kill him though, he killed him on a cross, one of the most painful ways to die in those times. He did that only because he wants to see me one day, me! That’s crazy, that he could do something so painful just for dirty, messed up humans. I’m also like sand because there is so many tiny little grains that make sand what it is. And That’s like me to God because there has been so many people on the earth but he still knows every single one and he can call them by name. God also told Abraham that he would have as many descendants as there is sand on the sea shore. There are so many little pieces of sand but we are all actually part of the same body. Even if we are missing one person the body doesn’t function correctly. That’s how God made it to be and that’s how it will always work, and that’s why our lives are the way that they are, because we need to disciple to other people by shouting silently so that they can see that God does amazing things. Sometimes we are caught up in “our” lives and we don’t even realise that it’s actually God’s life and he can do whatever he wants with it. He died for us. Why not live for him?

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